= About QextSerialPort =
QextSerialPort provides an interface to old fashioned serial ports for Qt-based applications. It currently supports Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD.
== How to use (1) ==
* Download the source code.
* Put the source code in any directory you like. For example, 3rdparty:
|-- project.pro
|-- ....
|-- 3rdparty\
| |-- qextserialport\
| |
* Add following line to your qmake project file:
* Using QextSerialPort in your code. Enjoy it!
#include "qextserialport.h"
QextSerialPort * port = new QextSerialPort();
== How to use (2) ==
It's very easy to compile QextSerialPort directly into your application
(see above section), however, we would prefer to use it as a static or
shared library.
* Download the source code, and put it in any location you like.
|-- yourpath\
| |-- qextserialport\
| |
* Create a config.pri file, and put into qextserialport's directory.
|-- yourpath\
| |-- qextserialport\
| | |-- config.pri
* Contents of config_example.pri
# uncomment the following line if you want to use qesp as library
# uncomment the following line too if you want to use it as static library
* Goto qextserialport/buildlib, and run following command to generate library.
make (or nmake)
* Add following line to your qmake project file. Enjoy it!
== How to use (3) ==
Someone complains that, I want to used !QextSerialPort as a shared libaray, but
I don't want to add the {{{include(***.pri)}}} to my project file. Otherwise,
all the source files of !QextSerialPort will be shown in Qt Creator, which is
very annoying.
Ok, let's go!
* Download the source code, and put it in any location you like.
* Goto qextserialport/buildlib, and run following command to generate library. (Yes, config.pri is not needed.)
make (or nmake)
* Add following lines to your .pro file. And you need to specify the path to the lib and headers. Then Enjoy it!
# Specify lib and headers path if they are not in standard locations.
# Otherwise, your can ignore this.
QEXTSERIALPORT_LIBDIR = #path_to_qextserialport_lib
QEXTSERIALPORT_INCDIR = #path_to_qextserialport_headers
QEXTSERIALPORT_LIBDIR = #path_to_qextserialport_lib
QEXTSERIALPORT_INCDIR = #path_to_qextserialport_headers
TEMPLATE = fakelib
QEXTSERIALPORT_LIBNAME = $$qtLibraryTarget(qextserialport-1.2)
* Oh, this file looks a bit complicated, as we need cross-platform. If you don't care cross-platform. It will be very simple :-) , for example
INCLUDEPATH += /home/xxxx/download/qextserialport/src
LIBS += /home/xxxx/download/qextserialport/lib/libqextsrialport-1.2.so
* Note:
* If you do not want to add such lines to each of your projects. This is another solution too.
* Create a new file called *extserialport.prf* , then add above lines to this new file.
* Put this .prf file to one of feature paths, such as
* Add the following line to your .pro file. Enjoy it!
CONFIG += extserialport
== Build (optional) ==
* Run qmake from the toplevel directory.(If your has create a config.pri file properly, this will generate the library, and then all examples will use the library. Otherwise, qextserialport will be directly compiled into the examples)
qmake (or qmake -r)
make (or nmake)
* Run qdoc3 from the doc directory.
qdoc3 qextserialport.qdocconf