Typica is a free program for professional coffee roasters. https://typica.us
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

navigation.xml 18KB

  1. <window id="navwindow">
  2. <layout type="grid">
  3. <row>
  4. <column>
  5. <button name="Configure Roasters" id="configure" type="push" />
  6. </column>
  7. </row>
  8. <row>
  9. <column>
  10. <sqldrop id="machineselector" />
  11. </column>
  12. <column>
  13. <button name="Roast Coffee" id="roast" type="push" />
  14. </column>
  15. </row>
  16. <row>
  17. <column>
  18. <button name="Purchase Green Coffee" id="green" type="push" />
  19. </column>
  20. </row>
  21. <row>
  22. <column>
  23. <button name="Manage Roasted Coffee Items" id="newroasted" type="push" />
  24. </column>
  25. </row>
  26. <row>
  27. <column>
  28. <button name="Update Inventory" id="inventory" type="push" />
  29. </column>
  30. </row>
  31. <row>
  32. <column>
  33. <button name="Batch Log" id="history" type="push" />
  34. </column>
  35. </row>
  36. <row>
  37. <column>
  38. <button name="New Cupping Session" id="createcupping" type="push" />
  39. </column>
  40. </row>
  41. <row>
  42. <column>
  43. <button name="Join Cupping Session" id="joincupping" type="push" />
  44. </column>
  45. </row>
  46. <row>
  47. <column>
  48. <button name="Summarize Cupping Session" id="sumcupping" type="push" />
  49. </column>
  50. </row>
  51. <row>
  52. <column>
  53. <button name="Import Target Roast Profiles" id="target" type="push" />
  54. </column>
  55. </row>
  56. <row>
  57. <column>
  58. <button name="Invoice List" id="invoicelist" type="push" />
  59. </column>
  60. </row>
  61. <row>
  62. <column>
  63. <button name="Enter Green Coffee Sales" id="greensales" type="push" />
  64. </column>
  65. </row>
  66. </layout>
  67. <menu name="Reports" type="reports" src="Reports" />
  68. <menu name="Database">
  69. <item id="resetconnection">Forget Connection Details</item>
  70. </menu>
  71. <program>
  72. var window = this;
  73. var navigationwindow = window;
  74. window.loggingWindow = undefined;
  75. var roasterlist = findChildObject(this, 'machineselector');
  76. var model = new DeviceTreeModel;
  77. roasterlist.setModel(model);
  78. roasterlist.currentIndex = QSettings.value("machineSelection", 0);
  79. roasterlist['currentIndexChanged(int)'].connect(function() {
  80. QSettings.setValue("machineSelection", roasterlist.currentIndex);
  81. });
  82. var resetdbconnection = findChildObject(this, 'resetconnection');
  83. resetdbconnection.triggered.connect(function() {
  84. QSettings.setValue("database/exists", false);
  85. QSettings.setValue("database/hostname", "");
  86. QSettings.setValue("database/dbname", "");
  87. QSettings.setValue("database/user", "");
  88. QSettings.setValue("database/password", "");
  89. });
  90. var greensalesbutton = findChildObject(this, 'greensales');
  91. greensalesbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  92. createWindow("greensales");
  93. });
  94. var invoicesbutton = findChildObject(this, 'invoicelist');
  95. invoicesbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  96. createWindow("invoicelist");
  97. });
  98. var sumcup = findChildObject(this, 'sumcupping');
  99. sumcup.clicked.connect(function() {
  100. var sessionlist = createWindow("finsessionlist");
  101. sessionlist.windowTitle = "Typica - Summarize Cupping Session";
  102. });
  103. var ncsbutton = findChildObject(this, 'createcupping')
  104. ncsbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  105. var ncswindow = createWindow("session");
  106. ncswindow.windowTitle = "Typica - New Cupping Session";
  107. });
  108. var jcsbutton = findChildObject(this, 'joincupping')
  109. jcsbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  110. var jcswindow = createWindow("sessionlist");
  111. jcswindow.windowTitle = "Typica - Join Cupping Session";
  112. });
  113. /*
  114. var nrbutton = findChildObject(this, 'newroaster');
  115. nrbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  116. var nrwindow = createWindow("newroaster");
  117. nrwindow.windowTitle = "Typica - New Roaster";
  118. });
  119. */
  120. var inventory = findChildObject(this, 'inventory');
  121. inventory.clicked.connect(function() {
  122. var invwin = createWindow("inventory");
  123. invwin.windowTitle = "Typica - Inventory";
  124. });
  125. var history = findChildObject(this, 'history');
  126. history.clicked.connect(function() {
  127. var histwindow = createWindow("history");
  128. histwindow.windowTitle = "Typica - Batch Log";
  129. });
  130. var gbutton = findChildObject(this, 'green');
  131. gbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  132. var purchasewindow = createWindow("purchase");
  133. });
  134. var nrbutton = findChildObject(this, 'newroasted');
  135. nrbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  136. var nrwindow = createWindow("newroasted");
  137. nrwindow.windowTitle = "New Roasted Coffee Item";
  138. });
  139. var importb = findChildObject(this, 'target');
  140. importb.clicked.connect(function() {
  141. var importWindow = createWindow("importTargets");
  142. importWindow.windowTitle = "Typica - Import Target Roast Profiles";
  143. });
  144. var roastbutton = findChildObject(this, 'roast');
  145. roastbutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  146. if(typeof(window.loggingWindow) == "undefined")
  147. {
  148. window.loggingWindow = createWindow("basicWindow");
  149. window.loggingWindow.windowTitle = "Typica";
  150. window.loggingWindow.navigationWindow = window;
  151. }
  152. else
  153. {
  154. print(window.loggingWindow);
  155. window.loggingWindow.raise();
  156. window.loggingWindow.activateWindow();
  157. }
  158. });
  159. var configurebutton = findChildObject(this, 'configure');
  160. configurebutton.clicked.connect(function() {
  161. var confwindow = new DeviceConfigurationWindow;
  162. confwindow.show();
  163. });
  164. <![CDATA[
  165. var DBCreateBase = function() {
  166. var query = new QSqlQuery();
  167. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS certifications (item bigint NOT NULL, certification text NOT NULL)");
  168. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cupping_samples (session bigint NOT NULL, sample text NOT NULL, position bigint NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, \"time\" timestamp without time zone, machine bigint, point text, item bigint)");
  169. query.exec("CREATE TABLE cupping_sessions (id bigserial NOT NULL, event text, name text NOT NULL, \"time\" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, blind boolean NOT NULL, open boolean NOT NULL, note text)");
  170. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cuppingforms (session bigint NOT NULL, sample text NOT NULL, position bigint NOT NULL, grader text, finalscore numeric, notes text, serialization text)");
  171. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cuppingform_t1 (aroma numeric, flavor numeric, aftertaste numeric, acidity numeric, body numeric, uniformity numeric, balance numeric, cleancup numeric, sweetness numeric, overall numeric, total numeric) INHERITS (cuppingforms)");
  172. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS invoices (id bigserial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, invoice text, vendor text NOT NULL, \"time\" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL)");
  173. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS invoice_items (invoice_id bigint NOT NULL, record_type text NOT NULL, item_id bigint, description text NOT NULL, cost numeric NOT NULL)");
  174. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transactions (\"time\" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, item bigint NOT NULL)");
  175. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS inventory (quantity numeric NOT NULL) INHERITS (transactions)");
  176. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS loss (quantity numeric NOT NULL, reason text) INHERITS (transactions)");
  177. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS make (quantity numeric NOT NULL) INHERITS (transactions)");
  178. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS purchase (quantity numeric NOT NULL, cost numeric NOT NULL, vendor text NOT NULL) INHERITS (transactions)");
  179. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sale (quantity numeric NOT NULL, customer text) INHERITS (transactions)");
  180. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS use (quantity numeric NOT NULL) INHERITS (transactions)");
  181. query.exec("CREATE VIEW all_transactions AS ((((SELECT purchase.\"time\", purchase.item, purchase.quantity, purchase.cost, purchase.vendor, NULL::unknown AS reason, NULL::unknown AS customer, 'PURCHASE' AS type FROM purchase UNION SELECT use.\"time\", use.item, use.quantity, NULL::unknown AS cost, NULL::unknown AS vendor, NULL::unknown AS reason, NULL::unknown AS customer, 'USE' AS type FROM use) UNION SELECT inventory.\"time\", inventory.item, inventory.quantity, NULL::unknown AS cost, NULL::unknown AS vendor, NULL::unknown AS reason, NULL::unknown AS customer, 'INVENTORY' AS type FROM inventory) UNION SELECT loss.\"time\", loss.item, loss.quantity, NULL::unknown AS cost, NULL::unknown AS vendor, loss.reason, NULL::unknown AS customer, 'LOSS' AS type FROM loss) UNION SELECT make.\"time\", make.item, make.quantity, NULL::unknown AS cost, NULL::unknown AS vendor, NULL::unknown AS reason, NULL::unknown AS customer, 'MAKE' AS type FROM make) UNION SELECT sale.\"time\", sale.item, sale.quantity, NULL::unknown AS cost, NULL::unknown AS vendor, NULL::unknown AS reason, sale.customer, 'SALE' AS type FROM sale");
  182. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION time_range(bigint) RETURNS integer AS $$ BEGIN IF (SELECT quantity FROM items WHERE id = $1) > 0 THEN RETURN (SELECT current_date - min(time)::date + 1 FROM use WHERE item = $1); ELSE RETURN (SELECT max(time)::date - min(time)::date + 1 FROM use WHERE item = $1); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT");
  183. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items(id bigint NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, reference text, unit text NOT NULL, quantity numeric DEFAULT 0, category text)");
  185. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS coffees(origin text NOT NULL, region text, producer text, grade text, milling text, drying text) INHERITS (items)");
  186. query.exec("CREATE VIEW coffee_history AS SELECT coffees.id, coffees.name, coffees.origin, coffees.quantity AS stock, (SELECT sum(use.quantity) AS sum FROM use WHERE (use.item = coffees.id)) AS used, time_range(coffees.id) AS \"interval\", ((SELECT (sum(use.quantity) / (time_range(use.item))::numeric) FROM use WHERE (use.item = coffees.id) GROUP BY use.item))::numeric(10,2) AS rate, (SELECT (('now'::text)::date + ((coffees.quantity / (SELECT (sum(use.quantity) / (time_range(use.item))::numeric) FROM use WHERE (use.item = coffees.id) GROUP BY use.item)))::integer)) AS \"out\" FROM coffees WHERE (coffees.id IN (SELECT use.item FROM use)) ORDER BY coffees.origin");
  187. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS current_items (item bigint NOT NULL)");
  188. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS decaf_coffees (decaf_method text NOT NULL) INHERITS (coffees)");
  189. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (id bigint NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, note text, file bytea NOT NULL)");
  190. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS item_files(\"time\" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, item bigint NOT NULL, files bigint[] NOT NULL)");
  191. query.exec("CREATE TYPE item_transaction_with_balance AS (\"time\" timestamp without time zone, item bigint, quantity numeric, cost numeric, vendor text, reason text, customer text, type text, balance numeric)");
  192. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lb_bag_conversion (item bigint NOT NULL, conversion numeric NOT NULL)");
  193. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS machine (id bigint NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL)");
  194. query.exec("CREATE VIEW regular_coffees AS SELECT coffees.id, coffees.name, coffees.reference, coffees.unit, coffees.quantity, coffees.category, coffees.origin, coffees.region, coffees.producer, coffees.grade, coffees.milling, coffees.drying FROM coffees WHERE (NOT (coffees.id IN (SELECT decaf_coffees.id FROM decaf_coffees)))");
  195. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS roasting_log (\"time\" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, unroasted_id bigint[], unroasted_quantity numeric[], unroasted_total_quantity numeric, roasted_id bigint, roasted_quantity numeric, transaction_type text NOT NULL, annotation text, machine bigint NOT NULL, duration interval, approval boolean, humidity numeric, barometric numeric, indoor_air numeric, outdoor_air numeric, files bigint[])");
  196. query.exec("CREATE VIEW short_log AS SELECT roasting_log.\"time\", (SELECT items.name FROM items WHERE (items.id = roasting_log.roasted_id)) AS name, roasting_log.unroasted_total_quantity, roasting_log.roasted_quantity, ((((roasting_log.unroasted_total_quantity - roasting_log.roasted_quantity) / roasting_log.unroasted_total_quantity) * (100)::numeric))::numeric(12,2) AS weight_loss, roasting_log.duration FROM roasting_log ORDER BY roasting_log.\"time\"");
  197. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION add_inventory() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE items SET quantity = quantity + NEW.quantity WHERE id = NEW.item; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  198. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION bags_in_stock(bigint) RETURNS numeric AS $_$SELECT quantity / (SELECT conversion FROM lb_bag_conversion WHERE item = id) FROM items WHERE id = $1;$_$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT");
  199. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION calculate_inventory_balance() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE old_quantity numeric; BEGIN old_quantity := (SELECT balance FROM working WHERE time = (SELECT max(time) FROM working)); IF old_quantity IS NULL THEN old_quantity := 0; END IF; IF NEW.type = 'PURCHASE' OR NEW.type = 'MAKE' THEN NEW.balance := old_quantity + NEW.quantity; ELSE IF NEW.type = 'INVENTORY' THEN NEW.balance := NEW.quantity; ELSE IF NEW.type = 'USE' OR NEW.type = 'SALE' OR NEW.type = 'LOSS' THEN NEW.balance := old_quantity - NEW.quantity; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  200. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION item_history(bigint) RETURNS SETOF item_transaction_with_balance AS $_$ DECLARE r item_transaction_with_balance; BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE working(time timestamp without time zone, item bigint, quantity numeric, cost numeric, vendor text, reason text, customer text, type text, balance numeric) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE TRIGGER quantity_update BEFORE INSERT ON working FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE calculate_inventory_balance(); INSERT INTO working SELECT time, item, quantity, cost, vendor, reason, customer, type, NULL AS balance FROM all_transactions WHERE item = $1 ORDER BY time ASC; FOR r IN SELECT time, item, quantity, cost, vendor, reason, customer, type, balance FROM working LOOP RETURN NEXT r; END LOOP; DROP TABLE working; RETURN; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  201. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION log_make() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.roasted_quantity IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO make VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.roasted_id, NEW.roasted_quantity); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  202. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION log_make_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.roasted_quantity <> OLD.roasted_quantity AND NEW.roasted_quantity IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO make VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.roasted_id, NEW.roasted_quantity); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  203. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION log_use() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE i integer := array_lower(NEW.unroasted_id, 1); u integer := array_upper(NEW.unroasted_id, 1); BEGIN WHILE i <= u LOOP INSERT INTO use VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.unroasted_id[i], NEW.unroasted_quantity[i]); i := i + 1; END LOOP; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  204. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION replace_inventory() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE items SET quantity = NEW.quantity WHERE id = NEW.item; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  205. query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION subtract_inventory() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE items SET quantity = quantity - NEW.quantity WHERE id = NEW.item; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
  207. query.exec("ALTER TABLE files ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('files_id_seq'::regclass)");
  208. query.exec("ALTER TABLE items ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('items_id_seq'::regclass)");
  209. query.exec("ALTER TABLE ONLY files ADD CONSTRAINT file_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)");
  210. query.exec("ALTER TABLE ONLY items ADD CONSTRAINT items_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)");
  211. query.exec("ALTER TABLE ONLY lb_bag_conversion ADD CONSTRAINT lb_bag_conversion_item_key UNIQUE (item)");
  212. query.exec("ALTER TABLE ONLY roasting_log ADD CONSTRAINT roasting_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (\"time\", machine)");
  213. query.exec("CREATE INDEX itemcategories ON items USING btree (category)");
  214. query.exec("CREATE INDEX itemnames ON items USING btree (name)");
  215. query.exec("CREATE INDEX roasting_log_index ON roasting_log USING btree (\"time\")");
  216. query.exec("CREATE INDEX transactionitems ON transactions USING btree (item)");
  217. query.exec("CREATE INDEX transactiontimes ON transactions USING btree (\"time\")");
  218. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER add_inventory_trigger AFTER INSERT ON purchase FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE add_inventory()");
  219. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER add_inventory_trigger AFTER INSERT ON make FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE add_inventory()");
  220. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER log_use_trigger AFTER INSERT ON roasting_log FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE log_use()");
  221. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER replace_inventory_trigger AFTER INSERT ON inventory FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE replace_inventory()");
  222. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER subtract_inventory_trigger AFTER INSERT ON loss FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE subtract_inventory()");
  223. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER subtract_inventory_trigger AFTER INSERT ON sale FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE subtract_inventory()");
  224. query.exec("CREATE TRIGGER subtract_inventory_trigger AFTER INSERT ON use FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE subtract_inventory()");
  225. query.exec("ALTER TABLE ONLY item_files ADD CONSTRAINT item_files_item_fkey FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items(id)");
  226. query.exec("ALTER TABLE ONLY transactions ADD CONSTRAINT transactions_item_fkey FOREIGN KEY (item) REFERENCES items(id)");
  227. query.exec("INSERT INTO TypicaFeatures VALUES('base-features', TRUE, 1)");
  228. query = query.invalidate();
  229. };
  230. query = new QSqlQuery();
  231. /* A table keeps track of database versioning information. This table is created
  232. if required. */
  233. query.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TypicaFeatures (feature TEXT PRIMARY KEY, enabled boolean, version bigint)");
  234. /* At the moment everything we're interested in is covered in the base-features
  235. row, but this can be extended later if needed. Each row encodes if certain
  236. database structures exist and what version of those structures exist. */
  237. query.exec("SELECT feature, enabled, version FROM TypicaFeatures WHERE feature = 'base-features'");
  238. if(query.next())
  239. {
  240. if(query.value(2) < 1)
  241. {
  242. DBCreateBase();
  243. }
  244. }
  245. else
  246. {
  247. DBCreateBase();
  248. }
  249. ]]>
  250. </program>
  251. </window>