Typica is a free program for professional coffee roasters. https://typica.us

databaseconnection.html 3.8KB

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  3. <title>Typica - Connecting to a database</title>
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  23. <h1>Connecting to a database</h1>
  24. <p>When opening Typica, if you have not previously connected to
  25. a database, you will be prompted for information needed to
  26. connect to that database.</p>
  27. <img src="databaseconnection.png"/>
  28. <p>If you do not want to connect to a database, you can click
  29. the Cancel button, but doing so means that most of the features
  30. of Typica will not work. Clicking the Connect button will cause
  31. Typica to attempt to connect to the database with the
  32. information provided in the fields. An error message will be
  33. presented if that connection attempt fails.</p>
  34. <p>After either successfully connecting to a database or
  35. cancelling, you will be prompted to
  36. <a href="openconfigurationfile.html">open a configuration
  37. file.</a></p>
  38. <h2>Field descriptions</h2>
  39. <h3>Database driver</h3>
  40. <p>Currently the only database supported is PostgreSQL.</p>
  41. <h3>Host name</h3>
  42. <p>This identifies the computer the database is installed on.
  43. If the database is on the same computer as Typica, this can be
  44. <tt>localhost</tt> otherwise it will most likely be an IP
  45. address for another computer on your network.</p>
  46. <h3>Port number</h3>
  47. <p>PostgreSQL normally communicates on port 5432 but if you
  48. have PostgreSQL configured to communicate over a different port
  49. this field should be changed to match.</p>
  50. <h3>Database name</h3>
  51. <p>During installation, the PostgreSQL installer creates a
  52. database called <tt>postgres</tt>. If you've created a new
  53. database for use with Typica, its name should be used.</p>
  54. <h3>User name</h3>
  55. <p>During installation, the PostgreSQL installer creates a
  56. database user called <tt>postgres</tt>. If you don't want to
  57. create separate users, this account can be used. Typica keeps
  58. track of which database user performed many data entry tasks so
  59. it is recommended to create new users for everybody who will be
  60. using Typica.</p>
  61. <h3>Password</h3>
  62. <p>This is the password previously set for the database user.
  63. If you are using the <tt>postgres</tt> user, this was set
  64. during PostgreSQL installation.</p>
  65. </div>
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