12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
- <window id="invoicelist">
- <layout type="vertical">
- <sqlview id="table" />
- </layout>
- <program>
- <![CDATA[
- this.windowTitle = "Typica - Invoice List";
- var table = findChildObject(this, 'table');
- table.setQuery("SELECT id, time, invoice, vendor FROM invoices ORDER BY time DESC");
- table.openEntry.connect(function(arg) {
- var info = createWindow("invoiceinfo");
- info.setInvoiceID(arg);
- var query = new QSqlQuery();
- query.exec("SELECT time, invoice, vendor FROM invoices WHERE id = " + arg);
- query.next();
- var timefield = findChildObject(info, 'date');
- timefield.text = query.value(0);
- var vendorfield = findChildObject(info, 'vendor');
- vendorfield.text = query.value(2);
- var invoicefield = findChildObject(info, 'invoice');
- invoicefield.text = query.value(1);
- var itemtable = findChildObject(info, 'itemtable');
- itemtable.setQuery("SELECT record_type, item_id, description, (SELECT reference FROM items WHERE id = item_id) AS reference, (SELECT cost FROM purchase WHERE item = item_id) AS unit_cost, (SELECT quantity FROM purchase WHERE item = item_id) AS quantity, ((SELECT quantity FROM purchase WHERE item = item_id)/(SELECT conversion FROM lb_bag_conversion WHERE item = item_id))::numeric(12,2) AS sacks, cost FROM invoice_items WHERE invoice_id = " + arg + " AND record_type = 'PURCHASE' UNION SELECT record_type, NULL, description, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cost FROM invoice_items WHERE invoice_id = " + arg + " AND record_type = 'FEE' ORDER BY item_id");
- query = query.invalidate();
- });
- ]]>
- </program>
- </window>