123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116 |
- // Data access functions
- var label = function(d) {return d[0];};
- var greenValue = function(d) {return d[1];};
- var transactionCount = function(d) {return d[2];};
- var roastValue = function(d) {return d[3];};
- // Chart parameters
- var valueLabelWidth = 0; // Temporary, will be updated when labels are generated
- var barHeight = 30;
- var barHeight2 = barHeight / 2;
- var barLabelWidth = 0;
- var barLabelPadding = 5;
- var gridLabelHeight = 18;
- var gridChartOffset = 3;
- var maxBarWidth = 500;
- // Scales
- var x1s = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return greenValue(d); })*1.15]).range([0, maxBarWidth]);
- var x2s = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return transactionCount(d); })*1.15]).range([0, maxBarWidth]);
- var ys = d3.scale.ordinal().domain(d3.range(0, data.length)).rangeBands([0, data.length * barHeight]);
- var ytext = function(d, i) {return ys(i) + ys.rangeBand() / 2;};
- var ybar = function(d, i) {return ys(i);};
- var ybar2 = function(d, i) {return ys(i) + (barHeight2 / 2)};
- var ybar3 = function(d, i) {return ys(i);};
- var ybar4 = function(d, i) {return ys(i) + barHeight;};
- // Chart
- var svg = d3.select("#chart").append("svg")
- .attr("width", 1000)
- .attr("height", gridLabelHeight + gridLabelHeight + gridChartOffset + data.length * barHeight);
- // Bar labels
- var yxe = svg.append("g")
- .attr("class", "y axis left");
- yxe.selectAll("text").data(data).enter().append("text")
- .attr("y", ytext)
- .attr("stroke", "none")
- .attr("fill", "black")
- .attr("dy", ".35em")
- .attr("text-anchor", "end")
- .text(label);
- // Determine maximum label width
- yxe.selectAll("text").each(function() {
- if(barLabelWidth < this.getComputedTextLength()) {
- barLabelWidth = this.getComputedTextLength();
- }
- });
- barLabelWidth += 10;
- yxe.attr("transform", "translate(" + (barLabelWidth - barLabelPadding) + "," + (gridLabelHeight + gridChartOffset) + ")");
- // Weight axis
- var x1xe = svg.append("g")
- .attr("class", "x axis top")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + barLabelWidth + "," + gridLabelHeight + ")");
- x1xe.selectAll("text").data(x1s.ticks(10)).enter().append("text")
- .attr("x", x1s)
- .attr("dy", -3)
- .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
- .text(String);
- // Top ticks extend approximately half way down the chart
- x1xe.selectAll("line").data(x1s.ticks(10)).enter().append("line")
- .attr("x1", x1s)
- .attr("x2", x1s)
- .attr("y1", 0)
- .attr("y2", ys.rangeExtent()[1] /2)
- .style("stroke", "#ccc");
- // Transaction count axis
- var x2xe = svg.append("g")
- .attr("class", "x axis bottom")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + barLabelWidth + "," + (ys.rangeExtent()[1] + gridChartOffset + gridLabelHeight + gridLabelHeight) + ")");
- x2xe.selectAll("text").data(x2s.ticks(10)).enter().append("text")
- .attr("x", x2s)
- .attr("dy", -3)
- .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
- .text(String);
- // Bottom ticks extend approximately half way up the chart
- x2xe.selectAll("line").data(x2s.ticks(10)).enter().append("line")
- .attr("x1", x2s)
- .attr("x2", x2s)
- .attr("y1", -gridLabelHeight - (ys.rangeExtent()[1] /2))
- .attr("y2", -gridLabelHeight)
- .style("stroke", "#ccc");
- // Green coffee bars
- var gbars = svg.append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + barLabelWidth + "," + (gridLabelHeight + gridChartOffset) + ")");
- gbars.selectAll("rect").data(data).enter().append("rect")
- .attr("y", ybar)
- .attr("height", barHeight)
- .attr("width", function(d) {return x1s(greenValue(d));})
- .attr("stroke", "white")
- .attr("fill", "royalblue");
- // Roasted coffee bars
- var rbars = svg.append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + barLabelWidth + "," + (gridLabelHeight + gridChartOffset) + ")");
- rbars.selectAll("rect").data(data).enter().append("rect")
- .attr("y", ybar2)
- .attr("height", barHeight2)
- .attr("width", function(d) {return x1s(roastValue(d));})
- .attr("stroke", "white")
- .attr("fill", "orangered");
- // Transaction ticks
- var tticks = svg.append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + barLabelWidth + "," + (gridLabelHeight + gridChartOffset) + ")");
- tticks.selectAll("line").data(data).enter().append("line")
- .attr("x1", function(d) {return x2s(transactionCount(d));})
- .attr("x2", function(d) {return x2s(transactionCount(d));})
- .attr("y1", ybar3)
- .attr("y2", ybar4)
- .attr("stroke-width", "3")
- .style("stroke", "black");