Certification tags are searched by exact match. These are most useful when data entry is performed consistently. One way to help with this is to place existing certifications into a combo box so they can be selected rather than requiring people to type things in manually. The entries can also be used to suggest auto-completion when tags are typed.
Certification tags are searched by exact match. These are most useful when data entry is performed consistently. One way to help with this is to place existing certifications into a combo box so they can be selected rather than requiring people to type things in manually. The entries can also be used to suggest auto-completion when tags are typed.
Certification tags are searched by exact match. These are most useful when data entry is performed consistently. One way to help with this is to place existing certifications into a combo box so they can be selected rather than requiring people to type things in manually. The entries can also be used to suggest auto-completion when tags are typed.