Complementary to #7, this is a more complex issue as USE transactions are generally associated with roasting a batch of coffee so there are more details to update. Simply changing the USE transaction itself is not a good idea, but if we’re going to allow rewriting history this is needed for the sake of completeness.
Complementary to #7, this is a more complex issue as USE transactions are generally associated with roasting a batch of coffee so there are more details to update. Simply changing the USE transaction itself is not a good idea, but if we're going to allow rewriting history this is needed for the sake of completeness.
Complementary to #7, this is a more complex issue as USE transactions are generally associated with roasting a batch of coffee so there are more details to update. Simply changing the USE transaction itself is not a good idea, but if we’re going to allow rewriting history this is needed for the sake of completeness.