소스 검색

Remove old version of item_history and no longer needed calculate_inventory_balance database functions

Neal Wilson 11 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일0개의 추가작업 그리고 2개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 0

+ 0
- 2
config/Windows/navigation.xml 파일 보기

@@ -210,8 +210,6 @@ type="push" />
210 210
 			query.exec("CREATE VIEW short_log AS SELECT roasting_log.\"time\", (SELECT items.name FROM items WHERE (items.id = roasting_log.roasted_id)) AS name, roasting_log.unroasted_total_quantity, roasting_log.roasted_quantity, ((((roasting_log.unroasted_total_quantity - roasting_log.roasted_quantity) / roasting_log.unroasted_total_quantity) * (100)::numeric))::numeric(12,2) AS weight_loss, roasting_log.duration FROM roasting_log ORDER BY roasting_log.\"time\"");
211 211
 			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION add_inventory() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE items SET quantity = quantity + NEW.quantity WHERE id = NEW.item; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
212 212
 			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION bags_in_stock(bigint) RETURNS numeric AS $_$SELECT quantity / (SELECT conversion FROM lb_bag_conversion WHERE item = id) FROM items WHERE id = $1;$_$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT");
-			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION calculate_inventory_balance() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE old_quantity numeric; BEGIN old_quantity := (SELECT balance FROM working WHERE time = (SELECT max(time) FROM working)); IF old_quantity IS NULL THEN old_quantity := 0; END IF; IF NEW.type = 'PURCHASE' OR NEW.type = 'MAKE' THEN NEW.balance := old_quantity + NEW.quantity; ELSE IF NEW.type = 'INVENTORY' THEN NEW.balance := NEW.quantity; ELSE IF NEW.type = 'USE' OR NEW.type = 'SALE' OR NEW.type = 'LOSS' THEN NEW.balance := old_quantity - NEW.quantity; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
-			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION item_history(bigint) RETURNS SETOF item_transaction_with_balance AS $_$ DECLARE r item_transaction_with_balance; BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE working(time timestamp without time zone, item bigint, quantity numeric, cost numeric, vendor text, reason text, customer text, type text, balance numeric) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE TRIGGER quantity_update BEFORE INSERT ON working FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE calculate_inventory_balance(); INSERT INTO working SELECT time, item, quantity, cost, vendor, reason, customer, type, NULL AS balance FROM all_transactions WHERE item = $1 ORDER BY time ASC; FOR r IN SELECT time, item, quantity, cost, vendor, reason, customer, type, balance FROM working LOOP RETURN NEXT r; END LOOP; DROP TABLE working; RETURN; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
215 213
 			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION log_make() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.roasted_quantity IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO make VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.roasted_id, NEW.roasted_quantity); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
216 214
 			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION log_make_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.roasted_quantity <> OLD.roasted_quantity AND NEW.roasted_quantity IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO make VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.roasted_id, NEW.roasted_quantity); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
217 215
 			query.exec("CREATE FUNCTION log_use() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE i integer := array_lower(NEW.unroasted_id, 1); u integer := array_upper(NEW.unroasted_id, 1); BEGIN WHILE i <= u LOOP INSERT INTO use VALUES(NEW.time, NEW.unroasted_id[i], NEW.unroasted_quantity[i]); i := i + 1; END LOOP; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql");
