- var q = "WITH qq AS (SELECT roasting_log.time, array_to_string(files, ','), person, (SELECT name || ' (' || id || ')' FROM items WHERE id = roasted_id) AS rname, duration, (SELECT name FROM machine WHERE id = machine) AS mname, array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT name || ' (' || id || ')' FROM items WHERE id IN (SELECT unnest(unroasted_id))), ',') AS greens, (unroasted_total_quantity/:c1)::numeric(12,2), (roasted_quantity/:c2)::numeric(12,2), loss, annotation, approval, spec_loss::numeric(12,2) || '±' || spec_tolerance::numeric(12,2) AS lspec, notes, loss_match, machine || '@' || roasting_log.time AS link FROM roasting_log, LATERAL (SELECT CASE WHEN (unroasted_total_quantity = 0) THEN NULL ELSE (((unroasted_total_quantity - roasted_quantity)/unroasted_total_quantity)*100)::numeric(12,2) END AS loss) lc, LATERAL (WITH q AS (SELECT (SELECT min(time) - interval '10 years' FROM roasting_log) AS time, NULL::numeric AS loss, NULL::numeric AS tolerance, NULL::text AS notes) SELECT time, (loss*100)::numeric(12,2) AS spec_loss, (tolerance*100)::numeric(12,2) AS spec_tolerance, notes FROM roasting_specification WHERE item = roasted_id AND time = (SELECT max(time) FROM roasting_specification WHERE time <= roasting_log.time AND item = roasted_id) UNION (SELECT * FROM q) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1) spec, LATERAL (SELECT loss >= spec_loss - spec_tolerance AND loss <= spec_loss + spec_tolerance AS loss_match) m WHERE roasting_log.time >= :sd AND roasting_log.time < :ed::date + interval '1 day'" + approvalClause + batchClause + ") SELECT * FROM qq" + searchClause + " ORDER BY time DESC";
+ var q = "WITH qq AS (SELECT roasting_log.time, array_to_string(files, ','), person, (SELECT name || ' (' || id || ')' FROM items WHERE id = roasted_id) AS rname, duration, (SELECT name FROM machine WHERE id = machine) AS mname, array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT name || ' (' || id || ')' FROM items WHERE id IN (SELECT unnest(unroasted_id))), ',') AS greens, (unroasted_total_quantity/:c1)::numeric(12,2), (roasted_quantity/:c2)::numeric(12,2), loss, annotation, approval, spec_loss::numeric(12,2) || '±' || spec_tolerance::numeric(12,2) AS lspec, notes, loss_match, machine || '@' || roasting_log.time AS link, files FROM roasting_log, LATERAL (SELECT CASE WHEN (unroasted_total_quantity = 0) THEN NULL ELSE (((unroasted_total_quantity - roasted_quantity)/unroasted_total_quantity)*100)::numeric(12,2) END AS loss) lc, LATERAL (WITH q AS (SELECT (SELECT min(time) - interval '10 years' FROM roasting_log) AS time, NULL::numeric AS loss, NULL::numeric AS tolerance, NULL::text AS notes) SELECT time, (loss*100)::numeric(12,2) AS spec_loss, (tolerance*100)::numeric(12,2) AS spec_tolerance, notes FROM roasting_specification WHERE item = roasted_id AND time = (SELECT max(time) FROM roasting_specification WHERE time <= roasting_log.time AND item = roasted_id) UNION (SELECT * FROM q) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1) spec, LATERAL (SELECT loss >= spec_loss - spec_tolerance AND loss <= spec_loss + spec_tolerance AS loss_match) m WHERE roasting_log.time >= :sd AND roasting_log.time < :ed::date + interval '1 day'" + approvalClause + batchClause + ") SELECT * FROM qq" + searchClause + " ORDER BY time DESC";