@** Typica User Management. \noindent Starting in version 1.8, the concepts of database user and \pn{} user are separated. This means that there must be controls for creating new users and for selecting the user to log in as. Other management interfaces can be implemented in configuration scripts. @* Application extensions for user handling. \noindent In order to present information about the currently logged in user globally, it was decided to provide a few methods in |Application| that can be used to report and change the current user. The first of these simply reports the currently logged in user. @= QString Application::currentTypicaUser() { return currentUser; } @ Next is a method that can be used to force the login of a specified user without checking for an entered password. This is used for users that are set to login automatically. @= void Application::setCurrentTypicaUser(const QString &user) { currentUser = user; emit userChanged(currentUser); } @ A login method is provided which determines if a user exists that matches the user name and password specified and reports if the login attempt was successful. @= bool Application::login(const QString &user, const QString &password) { SqlQueryConnection h; QSqlQuery *dbquery = h.operator->(); dbquery->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM typica_users WHERE name = :name AND password = :password AND active = TRUE"); dbquery->bindValue(":name", user); dbquery->bindValue(":password", password); dbquery->exec(); if(dbquery->next()) { currentUser = user; emit userChanged(currentUser); return true; } return false; } @ A convenience method is also provided to attempt an automatic login if one is specified in the database. @= bool Application::autoLogin() { SqlQueryConnection h; QSqlQuery *dbquery = h.operator->(); dbquery->exec("SELECT name FROM typica_users WHERE auto_login = TRUE"); if(dbquery->next()) { currentUser = dbquery->value(0).toString(); emit userChanged(currentUser); return true; } return false; } @* Login dialog. \noindent If there are no users set to log in automatically or any time a user change is requested, a login dialog should be presented. @= class LoginDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: LoginDialog(); public slots: void attemptLogin(); private: QLineEdit *user; QLineEdit *password; QLabel *warning; QPushButton *login; }; @ The constructor sets up the interface. @= LoginDialog::LoginDialog() : QDialog(), user(new QLineEdit), password(new QLineEdit), warning(new QLabel(tr("Log in failed."))), login(new QPushButton(tr("Log In"))) { setModal(true); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; warning->setVisible(false); password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); QFormLayout *form = new QFormLayout; form->addRow(tr("Name:"), user); form->addRow(tr("Password:"), password); form->addRow(warning); QHBoxLayout *buttonBox = new QHBoxLayout; buttonBox->addStretch(); buttonBox->addWidget(login); mainLayout->addLayout(form); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonBox); connect(login, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(attemptLogin())); setLayout(mainLayout); } @ The log in button attempts to log in with the specified credentials. @= void LoginDialog::attemptLogin() { if(AppInstance->login(user->text(), password->text())) { accept(); } else { warning->setVisible(true); } } @ Scripts must be able to create login dialogs. @= constructor = engine->newFunction(constructLoginDialog); value = engine->newQMetaObject(&LoginDialog::staticMetaObject, constructor); engine->globalObject().setProperty("LoginDialog", value); @ The constructor is trivial. @= QScriptValue constructLoginDialog(QScriptContext *, QScriptEngine *engine) { QScriptValue object = engine->newQObject(new LoginDialog); return object; } @ A function prototype is required. @= QScriptValue constructLoginDialog(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine); @* Currently logged in user. \noindent Every main window in \pn{} should be able to report on the currently logged in user and it should be possible to bring up an interface to switch users. An easy way to do this is through a widget inserted into the status bar of every window that listens for user change data from the |Application| instance. @= class UserLabel : public QLabel { Q_OBJECT public: UserLabel(); public slots: void updateLabel(const QString &user); protected: void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event); }; @ On first instantiation, the constructor sets the displayed text to indicate the currently logged in user and starts listening for user change events. @= UserLabel::UserLabel() : QLabel() { setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); updateLabel(AppInstance->currentTypicaUser()); connect(AppInstance, SIGNAL(userChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateLabel(QString))); } @ When the currently logged in user changes, the label text updates itself. @= void UserLabel::updateLabel(const QString &user) { setText(QString(tr("Current operator: %1").arg(user))); } @ In order to handle clicks, |mouseReleaseEvent()| is implemented. @= void UserLabel::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { LoginDialog *dialog = new LoginDialog; dialog->exec(); } @* User Creation. \noindent The first time \pn{} is started with a database connection and a multi-user aware configuration there will not be any user records in the database. An interface for adding new users is provided. @= class NewTypicaUser: public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: NewTypicaUser(); public slots: void createAndReset(); void createAndClose(); void validate(); void cancelValidate(); private: void createNewUser(); QLineEdit *userField; QLineEdit *passwordField; QCheckBox *autoLogin; QPushButton *saveAndCloseButton; QPushButton *saveAndNewButton; QPushButton *cancelButton; }; @ The constructor sets up the dialog. @= NewTypicaUser::NewTypicaUser() : QDialog(), userField(new QLineEdit), passwordField(new QLineEdit), autoLogin(new QCheckBox(tr("Log in automatically"))), saveAndCloseButton(new QPushButton(tr("Save and Close"))), saveAndNewButton(new QPushButton(tr("Save and Create Another"))), cancelButton(new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"))) { setModal(true); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QFormLayout *form = new QFormLayout; QHBoxLayout *buttons = new QHBoxLayout; form->addRow(tr("Name:"), userField); passwordField->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); form->addRow(tr("Password:"), passwordField); form->addRow(autoLogin); buttons->addWidget(cancelButton); buttons->addStretch(); buttons->addWidget(saveAndNewButton); buttons->addWidget(saveAndCloseButton); mainLayout->addLayout(form); mainLayout->addLayout(buttons); setLayout(mainLayout); setWindowTitle(tr("Create New User")); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(saveAndCloseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createAndClose())); connect(saveAndNewButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createAndReset())); connect(userField, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(validate())); } @ Slots handle basic operation. @= void NewTypicaUser::createAndReset() { createNewUser(); userField->setText(""); passwordField->setText(""); autoLogin->setChecked(false); } void NewTypicaUser::createAndClose() { createNewUser(); accept(); } void NewTypicaUser::createNewUser() { SqlQueryConnection h; QSqlQuery *dbquery = h.operator->(); dbquery->prepare("INSERT INTO typica_users (name, password, active, auto_login) VALUES (:name, :password, true, :auto)"); dbquery->bindValue(":name", userField->text()); dbquery->bindValue(":password", passwordField->text()); dbquery->bindValue(":auto", autoLogin->isChecked()); dbquery->exec(); cancelButton->setEnabled(true); } void NewTypicaUser::validate() { if(!userField->text().isEmpty()) { saveAndCloseButton->setEnabled(true); saveAndNewButton->setEnabled(true); } else { saveAndCloseButton->setEnabled(false); saveAndNewButton->setEnabled(false); } } void NewTypicaUser::cancelValidate() { SqlQueryConnection h; QSqlQuery *dbquery = h.operator->(); dbquery->exec("SELECT count(1) FROM typica_users"); if(dbquery->next()) { if(dbquery->value(0).toInt() > 0) { cancelButton->setEnabled(true); return; } } cancelButton->setEnabled(false); } @ This is exposted to the host environment in the usual way. @= constructor = engine->newFunction(constructNewTypicaUser); value = engine->newQMetaObject(&NewTypicaUser::staticMetaObject, constructor); engine->globalObject().setProperty("NewTypicaUser", value); @ The constructor is trivial. @= QScriptValue constructNewTypicaUser(QScriptContext *, QScriptEngine *engine) { QScriptValue object = engine->newQObject(new NewTypicaUser); return object; } @ A function prototype is required. @= QScriptValue constructNewTypicaUser(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine); @ Add class implementations to generated source file. @= @ @ @