@** Phidgets 1048. \noindent Phidgets, Inc. has provided one of their four channel temperature sensor devices so that support could be added to \pn{}. This was originally planned for version 1.7, however early support was rushed in for the 1.6.3 release. As a result, this support is not full featured, but it should still be adequate for the most common uses. Two configuration widgets are required. The first is for the device as a whole. @= class PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget : public BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index); private slots: void addChannel(); void updateRate(int ms); }; @ This widget allows specification of a device wide sample rate and allows adding channels for the device to monitor. The device specifications indicate temperature updates happen up to 25 times per second, but this is generally excessive for \pn{} so a default rate is set to a multiple of this close to 3 updates per second. There are other options for collecting measurements from this device and I have not yet had time to experiment with all of the options to determine the best approach suitable for coffee roasting applications. @= PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget::PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) : BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget(model, index) { QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout; QPushButton *addChannelButton = new QPushButton(tr("Add Channel")); QSpinBox *sampleRate = new QSpinBox; sampleRate->setMinimum(40); sampleRate->setMaximum(600); sampleRate->setSingleStep(40); sampleRate->setValue(360); @@; for(int i = 0; i < configData.size(); i++) { node = configData.at(i).toElement(); if(node.attribute("name") == "sampleRate") { sampleRate->setValue(node.attribute("value").toInt()); } } updateRate(sampleRate->value()); connect(sampleRate, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateRate(int))); connect(addChannelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addChannel())); layout->addRow(addChannelButton); layout->addRow(tr("Sample rate:"), sampleRate); setLayout(layout); } @ Adding another channel is handled in the usual way, with the channel configured in a separate widget. @= void PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget::addChannel() { insertChildNode(tr("Channel"), "phidgets1048channel"); } @ Changes to the sample rate are saved as an attribute of the node as usual. @= void PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget::updateRate(int ms) { updateAttribute("sampleRate", QString("%1").arg(ms)); } @ The other required configuration widget is for a single channel. @= class PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget : public BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index); private slots: void updateColumnName(const QString &value); void updateHidden(bool hidden); void updateTC(int index); void updateChannel(int channel); private: QComboBox *tcType; }; @ For each channel it is necessary to specify which channel of the device measurements will come in on. The thermocouple type should be set to match the type of the thermocouple attached to that channel. The column name and if the channel is hidden has the same meaning as in channels on other devices. @= PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget::PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget( DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) : BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget(model, index), tcType(new QComboBox) { QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout; QLineEdit *columnName = new QLineEdit; layout->addRow(tr("Column Name:"), columnName); QCheckBox *hideSeries = new QCheckBox("Hide this channel"); layout->addRow(hideSeries); layout->addRow(tr("Thermocouple Type:"), tcType); tcType->addItem("Type K", "1"); tcType->addItem("Type J", "2"); tcType->addItem("Type E", "3"); tcType->addItem("Type T", "4"); QSpinBox *channel = new QSpinBox; layout->addRow(tr("Channel:"), channel); channel->setMinimum(0); channel->setMaximum(3); setLayout(layout); @@; for(int i = 0; i < configData.size(); i++) { node = configData.at(i).toElement(); if(node.attribute("name") == "columnname") { columnName->setText(node.attribute("value")); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "hidden") { hideSeries->setChecked(node.attribute("value") == "true"); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "tctype") { tcType->setCurrentIndex(tcType->findData(node.attribute("value"))); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "channel") { channel->setValue(node.attribute("value").toInt()); } } updateColumnName(columnName->text()); updateHidden(hideSeries->isChecked()); updateTC(tcType->currentIndex()); updateChannel(channel->value()); connect(columnName, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(updateColumnName(QString))); connect(hideSeries, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateHidden(bool))); connect(tcType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTC(int))); connect(channel, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateChannel(int))); } @ Channel configuration settings are persisted as they are made. @= void PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget::updateColumnName(const QString &value) { updateAttribute("columnname", value); } void PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget::updateHidden(bool hidden) { updateAttribute("hidden", hidden ? "true" : "false"); } void PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget::updateTC(int index) { updateAttribute("tctype", tcType->itemData(index).toString()); } void PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget::updateChannel(int channel) { updateAttribute("channel", QString("%1").arg(channel)); } @ The configuration widgets need to be registered so they can be instantiated as appropriate. @= app.registerDeviceConfigurationWidget("phidgets1048", PhidgetsTemperatureSensorConfWidget::staticMetaObject); app.registerDeviceConfigurationWidget("phidgets1048channel", PhidgetTemperatureSensorChannelConfWidget::staticMetaObject); @ A |NodeInserter| for the device node is also required, but this should only be provided if the required library is installed. @= QLibrary phidgetsCheck("phidget21"); if(phidgetsCheck.load()) { inserter = new NodeInserter(tr("Phidgets 1048"), tr("Phidgets 1048"), "phidgets1048", NULL); topLevelNodeInserters.append(inserter); phidgetsCheck.unload(); } else { phidgetsCheck.setFileName("Phidget21.framework/Phidget21"); if(phidgetsCheck.load()) { inserter = new NodeInserter(tr("Phidgets 1048"), tr("Phidgets 1048"), "phidgets1048", NULL); topLevelNodeInserters.append(inserter); phidgetsCheck.unload(); } } @ As usual, a class representing the device is provided. @= class PhidgetsTemperatureSensor : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE PhidgetsTemperatureSensor(const QModelIndex &deviceIndex); Q_INVOKABLE int channelCount(); Channel* getChannel(int channel); Q_INVOKABLE bool isChannelHidden(int channel); Q_INVOKABLE QString channelColumnName(int channel); Q_INVOKABLE QString channelIndicatorText(int channel); public slots: void start(); void stop(); private slots: void getMeasurements(); private: QList channelIndices; QList tctypes; QList channelList; QMap channelMap; QList hiddenState; QList columnNames; QList indicatorTexts; QLibrary driver; QTimer sampleTimer; void *device; @@; }; @ The constructor uses the configuration data to set up the interface used for integration with the logging view. @= PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::PhidgetsTemperatureSensor(const QModelIndex &index) : QObject(NULL), driver("phidget21"), device(NULL) { DeviceTreeModel *model = (DeviceTreeModel *)(index.model()); QDomElement deviceReferenceElement = model->referenceElement(model->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toString()); QDomNodeList deviceConfigData = deviceReferenceElement.elementsByTagName("attribute"); QDomElement node; for(int i = 0; i < deviceConfigData.size(); i++) { node = deviceConfigData.at(i).toElement(); if(node.attribute("name") == "sampleRate") { sampleTimer.setInterval(node.attribute("value").toInt()); } } if(model->hasChildren(index)) { for(int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) { QModelIndex channelIndex = model->index(i, 0, index); QDomElement channelReference = model->referenceElement(model->data(channelIndex, 32).toString()); QDomElement channelReferenceElement = model->referenceElement(model->data(channelIndex, Qt::UserRole).toString()); QDomNodeList channelConfigData = channelReferenceElement.elementsByTagName("attribute"); for(int j = 0; j < channelConfigData.size(); j++) { node = channelConfigData.at(j).toElement(); if(node.attribute("name") == "channel") { int channelID = node.attribute("value").toInt(); channelIndices.append(channelID); Channel* channel = new Channel; channelList.append(channel); channelMap.insert(channelID, channel); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "hidden") { hiddenState.append(node.attribute("value") == "true"); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "columnname") { columnNames.append(node.attribute("value")); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "tctype") { tctypes.append(node.attribute("value").toInt()); } } indicatorTexts.append(model->data(channelIndex, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); } } } @ There is a distinction between logical and physical channels. Physical channels are specified as a configuration attribute and are used for communication with hardware. Logical channels are determined by the order of nodes in the configuration and are used for integrating device support with the rest of the program. @= int PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::channelCount() { return channelList.length(); } Channel* PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::getChannel(int channel) { return channelList.at(channel); } @ Some information is available about each channel. @= bool PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::isChannelHidden(int channel) { return hiddenState.at(channel); } QString PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::channelColumnName(int channel) { if(channel >= 0 && channel < columnNames.length()) { return columnNames.at(channel); } return QString(); } QString PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::channelIndicatorText(int channel) { if(channel >= 0 && channel < indicatorTexts.length()) { return indicatorTexts.at(channel); } return QString(); } @ To avoid introducing dependencies on a library that is only needed for hardware that may not exist, the phidget21 library is only loaded at runtime if it is needed. Some function pointers and associated types are, therefore, required. This approach also means the associated header does not need to exist at compile time. @= #ifdef _WIN32 typedef int (__stdcall *PhidgetHandleOnly)(void *); typedef int (__stdcall *PhidgetHandleInt)(void *, int); typedef int (__stdcall *PhidgetHandleIntInt)(void *, int, int); typedef int (__stdcall *PhidgetHandleIntDoubleOut)(void *, int, double*); #else typedef int (*PhidgetHandleOnly)(void *); typedef int (*PhidgetHandleInt)(void *, int); typedef int (*PhidgetHandleIntInt)(void *, int, int); typedef int (*PhidgetHandleIntDoubleOut)(void *, int, double*); #endif PhidgetHandleOnly createDevice; PhidgetHandleInt openDevice; PhidgetHandleInt waitForOpen; PhidgetHandleIntInt setTCType; PhidgetHandleIntDoubleOut getTemperature; PhidgetHandleOnly closeDevice; PhidgetHandleOnly deleteDevice; @ Library loading is deferred until we are ready to open a device. @= void PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::start() { if(!driver.load()) { driver.setFileName("Phidget21.framework/Phidget21"); if(!driver.load()) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Driver not found"), tr("Failed to find phidget21. Please install it.")); return; } } if((createDevice = (PhidgetHandleOnly) driver.resolve("CPhidgetTemperatureSensor_create")) == 0 || @| (openDevice = (PhidgetHandleInt) driver.resolve("CPhidget_open")) == 0 || @| (waitForOpen = (PhidgetHandleInt) driver.resolve("CPhidget_waitForAttachment")) == 0 || @| (setTCType = (PhidgetHandleIntInt) driver.resolve("CPhidgetTemperatureSensor_setThermocoupleType")) == 0 || @| (getTemperature = (PhidgetHandleIntDoubleOut) driver.resolve("CPhidgetTemperatureSensor_getTemperature")) == 0 || @| (closeDevice = (PhidgetHandleOnly) driver.resolve("CPhidget_close")) == 0 || @| (deleteDevice = (PhidgetHandleOnly) driver.resolve("CPhidget_delete")) == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Link error"), tr("Failed to link a required symbol in phidget21.")); return; } createDevice(&device); openDevice(device, -1); int error; if(error = waitForOpen(device, 10000)) { closeDevice(device); deleteDevice(device); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Failed to Open Device"), tr("CPhidget_waitForAttachment returns error %n", 0, error)); return; } for(int i = 0; i < channelIndices.length(); i++) { setTCType(device, channelIndices.at(i), tctypes.at(i)); } connect(&sampleTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getMeasurements())); sampleTimer.start(); } @ Once the device is started, we periodically request measurements and pass them to the appropriate |Channel|. @= void PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::getMeasurements() { double value = 0.0; QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); foreach(int i, channelIndices) { getTemperature(device, i, &value); Measurement measure(value * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0, time); channelMap[i]->input(measure); } } @ Some clean up is needed in the |stop()| method. @= void PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::stop() { sampleTimer.stop(); closeDevice(device); deleteDevice(device); driver.unload(); } @ The implementation currently goes into typica.cpp. @= @@; @ The |PhidgetsTemperatureSensor| needs to be available from the host environment. This detail is likely to change in the future. @= constructor = engine->newFunction(constructPhidgetsTemperatureSensor); value = engine->newQMetaObject(&PhidgetsTemperatureSensor::staticMetaObject, constructor); engine->globalObject().setProperty("PhidgetsTemperatureSensor", value); @ Two function prototypes are needed. @= QScriptValue constructPhidgetsTemperatureSensor(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine); QScriptValue Phidgets_getChannel(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine); @ The script constructor is trivial. @= QScriptValue constructPhidgetsTemperatureSensor(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine) { if(context->argumentCount() != 1) { context->throwError("Incorrect number of arguments passed to "@| "PhidgetsTemperatureSensor constructor. This takes "@| "a QModelIndex."); } QScriptValue object = engine->newQObject(new PhidgetsTemperatureSensor(argument(0, context)), QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership); setQObjectProperties(object, engine); object.setProperty("getChannel", engine->newFunction(Phidgets_getChannel)); return object; } @ As usual, a wrapper is needed for getting channels. @= QScriptValue Phidgets_getChannel(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine) { PhidgetsTemperatureSensor *self = getself(context); QScriptValue object; if(self) { object = engine->newQObject(self->getChannel(argument(0, context))); setChannelProperties(object, engine); } return object; }