<html><head> <title>Typica - Data for Coffee Roasters</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head><body><div id="page"><div id="topmatter"> <div id="topbanner"> <img src="logo96.png" height="96px" width="96px" alt="Typica logo" /> <h1>Typica</h1><h2>Data for Coffee Roasters</h2></div> <div id="menu"> <a class="tab active">Typica</a> <a class="tab " href="downloads.html">Downloads</a> <a class="tab " href="documentation.html">Documentation</a> <a class="tab " href="media.html">Photos and Videos</a> <a class="tab" href="http://appliedcoffeetechnology.tumblr.com/tagged/Typica">Blog</a> </div> </div> <div id="maintext"> <p>Typica is a cross-platform application for coffee roasters with features for recording your roasts, tracking green coffee inventory, product development, improving production consistency, and more.</p> <p>The program is free open source software available under the MIT license.</p> <h1>Typica 1.7 Now Available</h1> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/U7xTefVLRfk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <p>The latest release of Typica includes several new features such as support for more detailed roast specifications, ability to set reminders based on production, a new batch log with search and filter features, and more. This also marks the first release that includes a translation of the program to another language. People using a computer with German locale settings will see that.</p> <p>The following video goes over some of the most useful changes that were introduced in Typica 1.7 and how to use those.</p> <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/na6_ny0PaIA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <h1>Data Acquisition</h1> <p>Every batch of coffee you roast with Typica can be recorded for future reference. A practically unlimited number of target roast profiles can be created for reference against future roasts. Log annotations capture events of interest and aid in profile design. Compatable with several different data acquisition devices.</p> <h1>Inventory Tracking</h1> <p>Keep track of your green coffee inventory automatically as you roast it. Reports provide the data you need to see your production trends and plan your green coffee purchases.</p> <h1>Your Data Your Way</h1> <p>Typica stores its data in a PostgreSQL database. The database can be set up on the computer running Typica or on another computer on the network. You keep full control of your data and never need to pay another company for continued access to your data. The use of PostgreSQL provides additional ways to gain insight from your data including integration with all major spreadsheet applications through the PostgreSQL ODBC or JDBC drivers.</p> <h1>Total Customizability</h1> <p>Typica provides a versatile configuration system which can be used to extend or modify Typica for better integration with your work flows. If this is inadequate for your customization needs, the fully documented C++ source code is also freely available. An example configuration is provided which aims to provide something that most will not need to modify, but the option is always there if you need it.</p> <h1>Never Miss a Release</h1> <p>Sign up for the <a href="https://tinyletter.com/Typica">Typica News mailing list</a> to get email when a new version of Typica is available.</p> </div></div></body></html>