<html><head> <title>Typica - Data for Coffee Roasters</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head><body><div id="page"><div id="topmatter"> <div id="topbanner"> <img src="logo96.png" height="96px" width="96px" alt="Typica logo" /> <h1>Typica</h1><h2>Data for Coffee Roasters</h2></div> <div id="menu"> <a class="tab " href="index.html">Typica</a> <a class="tab " href="downloads.html">Downloads</a> <a class="tab " href="documentation.html">Documentation</a> <a class="tab " href="media.html">Photos and Videos</a> <a class="tab" href="http://appliedcoffeetechnology.tumblr.com/tagged/Typica">Blog</a> </div> </div> <div id="maintext"> <h1>Thank you for downloading Typica.</h1> <p>Your download from:</p> <p><a href="http://www.randomfield.com/programs/typica/1.6/Typica-1.6.4.dmg">http://www.randomfield.com/programs/typica/1.6/Typica-1.6.4.dmg</a></p> <p>should begin automatically. If it does not, please click the above link.</p> <h2>Please Help Support Ongoing Development</h2> <p>This will likely be one of the last releases in the 1.x series. Typica 1.0 was released in 2007 and I've learned a lot from developing this, using it, and having conversations with others about how they're using this. While there is the possibility of further improvements, I believe Typica has reached a point of maturity with a feature set appropriate for many coffee roasting firms.</p> <p>There is a large set of features and extensions that I have avoided implementing because the changes would have been too intrusive for the code base as it currently exists, but that feature set has become too compelling for me to leave undone. I am, therefore, attempting to spend as much time as I can on the development of Typica 2.0. This removes many of the legacy considerations and modernizes the tools and techniques used. I hope that the result is a better and more broadly useful Typica that can be maintained for another several years.</p> <p>While Typica is free and will continue to be made freely available complete with all source code, there are still costs associated with ongoing development and keeping the software available. Some of the costs include: <ul> <li>Obtaining and maintaining hardware appropriate for building and testing new releases</li> <li>Building and maintaining test rigs for various types of data acquisition hardware</li> <li>Maintaining the ability to test on new operating system releases</li> <li>Hosting service</li> </ul> There is also a huge commitment of time in developing, testing, and supporting this.</p> <p>Financial support to date does not come close to covering these costs, nor has it been enough that I could consider hiring people to improve the pace and quality of ongoing development. This is fine. I have no intention of halting work on the project as my work has benefitted greatly from having this software and I expect even greater benefit from the next major release. Personally I find the new feature set exciting to work on and am willing to cover funding shortfalls when I can afford to do so.</p> <p>That said, if you're finding this software to be useful in your business, if you've had a good support experience, or if you'd like to help me continue to develop this software, please consider providing some financial support to:</p> <p>Neal Wilson<br /> c/o Wilson's Coffee & Tea<br /> 3306 Washington Ave.<br /> Racine, WI 53405<br /> USA</p> <p>Another great way to help Typica right now is to reach out to your professional colleagues and let them know that you're using Typica and what you like about it.</p> <p>Please note that I am unable to accept money through PayPal.</p> <iframe width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" src="http://www.randomfield.com/programs/typica/1.6/Typica-1.6.4.dmg"></iframe> </div></div></body></html>