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Data for Coffee Roasters

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Please Help Support Ongoing Development

While Typica is free and will continue to be made freely available complete with all source code, there are still costs associated with ongoing development and keeping the software available. Some of the costs include:

There is also a huge commitment of time in developing, testing, and supporting this.

While Typica is for many uses a mature and reliable program, there are still a number of areas where the program can be improved and additional areas where I think it makes a lot of sense to extend the program. The limited funding for this work does slow progress. If you're finding this software to be useful in your business, if you've had a good support experience, or if you'd like to help me continue to develop this software, please consider providing some financial support. Checks can be sent to:

Neal Wilson
c/o Wilson's Coffee & Tea
3306 Washington Ave.
Racine, WI 53405

or you can visit my YouTube channel and click the blue Support button on the right.

Another great way to help Typica right now is to reach out to your professional colleagues and let them know that you're using Typica and what you like about it.