@** Phidget22 library. \noindent Around the same time as the \pn{} 1.8.0 release, Phidgets released a new hardware communications library with no regard for compatibility with existing software and poor communication around that fact. They did, however, provide hardware specimen for testing that requires the new library. API differences are significant enough that it makes more sense to write new code for interacting with phidget22 than attempting to retrofit existing phidget21 code. By leaving both in, there is no configuration disription for people already using hardware previously supported and it is possible to use both libraries simultaneously to communicate with different hardware. The option to configure devices with this library should only be shown if the library is installed. The library name is different on a Mac. @= #if __APPLE__ QLibrary phidget22check("Phidget22.framework/Phidget22"); #else QLibrary phidget22check("phidget22"); #endif if(phidget22check.load()) { inserter = new NodeInserter(tr("Phidget22"), tr("Phidget22"), "phidget22", NULL); topLevelNodeInserters.append(inserter); phidget22check.unload(); } @ A top level configuration is used to group channels using this library while child nodes provide channel configuration. The configuration widgets need to be registered so they can be instantiated as appropriate. @= app.registerDeviceConfigurationWidget("phidget22", PhidgetConfWidget::staticMetaObject); app.registerDeviceConfigurationWidget("phidgetchannel", PhidgetChannelConfWidget::staticMetaObject); @ The first configuration widget just serves as a parent to all channels using this library. There does not seem to be a need for the configuration to mirror how the hardware is connected, so this serves as a parent node for any number of devices connected either directly or through a hub. @= class PhidgetConfWidget : public BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE PhidgetConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index); private slots: void addChannel(); }; @ The only thing this configuration widget provides is a way to create child nodes. @= PhidgetConfWidget::PhidgetConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) : BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget(model, index) { QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout; QPushButton *addChannelButton = new QPushButton(tr("Add Channel")); connect(addChannelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addChannel())); layout->addWidget(addChannelButton); setLayout(layout); } void PhidgetConfWidget::addChannel() { insertChildNode(tr("Channel"), "phidgetchannel"); } @ For this library, \pn{} supports a broader range of hardware. This requires slightly more involved hardware configuration to ensure that a given channel configuration consistently refers to the same sensor. Channels will be initialized with a device serial number, a channel number, and other channel specific configuration options as applicable. These other configuration options depend on the sensor type associated with the channel. A thermocouple requires different configuration options than an RTD while the built in ambient temperature sensors on some devices do not require additional configuration. At present, only temperature sensors are supported, however this code could be extended to support other options. To simplify configuration, a combo box is provided which displays all of the currently connected channels that \pn{} supports and allows a configuration widget to obtain relevant channel information when the desired channel is selected. @= class PhidgetChannelSelector : public QComboBox { Q_OBJECT public: PhidgetChannelSelector(); ~PhidgetChannelSelector(); void addChannel(void *device); void removeChannel(void *device); private: QLibrary driver; void *manager; @@; }; @ At this point, it becomes necessary to call functions in the library. To avoid a dependency on phidget22.h some function pointer types are created. @= #if defined(__stdcall) #define CCONV __stdcall #else #if defined(_MSC_VER) #define CCONV __stdcall #else #define CCONV #endif #endif typedef int (CCONV *PhidgetPointer)(void *); typedef int (CCONV *PhidgetPointerStringOut)(void *, char **); typedef int (CCONV *PhidgetPointerIntOut)(void *, int *); typedef void (CCONV *PhidgetManagerCallback)(void *, void *, void *); typedef void (CCONV *PhidgetValueCallback)(void *, void *, double); typedef int (CCONV *PhidgetPointerCallbackPointer)(void *, PhidgetManagerCallback, void *); typedef int (CCONV *PhidgetPointerVCPointer)(void *, PhidgetValueCallback, void *); typedef int (CCONV *PhidgetPointerIntIn)(void *, int); @ These are used to define function pointers that will be used to communicate with the library. @= PhidgetPointer createManager; PhidgetPointerCallbackPointer setOnAttachManager; PhidgetPointerCallbackPointer setOnDetachManager; PhidgetPointer openManager; PhidgetPointerStringOut getDeviceName; PhidgetPointerIntOut getDeviceSerialNumber; PhidgetPointerIntOut getChannel; PhidgetPointerIntOut getChannelClass; PhidgetPointerIntOut getChannelSubclass; PhidgetPointerIntOut getHubPort; PhidgetPointer closeManager; PhidgetPointer deleteManager; @ These pointers must be initialized before they can be used. @= if((createManager = (PhidgetPointer) driver.resolve("PhidgetManager_create")) == 0 || (setOnAttachManager = (PhidgetPointerCallbackPointer) driver.resolve("PhidgetManager_setOnAttachHandler")) == 0 || (setOnDetachManager = (PhidgetPointerCallbackPointer) driver.resolve("PhidgetManager_setOnDetachHandler")) == 0 || (openManager = (PhidgetPointer) driver.resolve("PhidgetManager_open")) == 0 || (getDeviceName = (PhidgetPointerStringOut) driver.resolve("Phidget_getDeviceName")) == 0 || (getDeviceSerialNumber = (PhidgetPointerIntOut) driver.resolve("Phidget_getDeviceSerialNumber")) == 0 || (getChannel = (PhidgetPointerIntOut) driver.resolve("Phidget_getChannel")) == 0 || (getChannelClass = (PhidgetPointerIntOut) driver.resolve("Phidget_getChannelClass")) == 0 || (getChannelSubclass = (PhidgetPointerIntOut) driver.resolve("Phidget_getChannelSubclass")) == 0 || (getHubPort = (PhidgetPointerIntOut) driver.resolve("Phidget_getHubPort")) == 0 || (closeManager = (PhidgetPointer) driver.resolve("PhidgetManager_close")) == 0 || (deleteManager = (PhidgetPointer) driver.resolve("PhidgetManager_delete")) == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Link error"), tr("Failed to link a required symbol in phidget22.")); return; } @ The constuctor sets up a manager so that appropriate channels can be added to the combo box. @= PhidgetChannelSelector::PhidgetChannelSelector() : QComboBox(), manager(NULL) { #if __APPLE__ driver.setFileName("Phidget22.framework/Phidget22"); #else driver.setFileName("phidget22"); #endif if(!driver.load()) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Driver not found"), tr("Failed to find phidget22. Please install it.")); return; } @@; createManager(&manager); setOnAttachManager(manager, ChannelListAddChannel, this); setOnDetachManager(manager, ChannelListRemoveChannel, this); openManager(manager); } @ The callbacks registered in the constructor pass a pointer to the combo box so that contents can be updated from the relevant global functions. @= void CCONV ChannelListAddChannel(void *, void *context, void *device) { PhidgetChannelSelector *list = qobject_cast((QObject*)context); list->addChannel(device); } void CCONV ChannelListRemoveChannel(void *, void *context, void *device) { PhidgetChannelSelector *list = qobject_cast((QObject*)context); list->removeChannel(device); } @ These require function prototypes. @= void CCONV ChannelListAddChannel(void *manager, void *context, void *device); void CCONV ChannelListRemoveChannel(void *manager, void *context, void *device); @ Adding and removing channels from the list happens in class where pointers to the required library functions are known. @= void PhidgetChannelSelector::addChannel(void *device) { char *deviceName; int deviceSerialNumber; int channel; int channelClass; int channelSubclass; int hubPort; getDeviceName(device, &deviceName); getDeviceSerialNumber(device, &deviceSerialNumber); getChannel(device, &channel); getChannelClass(device, &channelClass); getChannelSubclass(device, &channelSubclass); getHubPort(device, &hubPort); QMap itemData; if(channelClass == 28) // Temperature sensor { itemData.insert("serialNumber", QString("%1").arg(deviceSerialNumber)); itemData.insert("channel", QString("%1").arg(channel)); itemData.insert("class", QString("%1").arg(channelClass)); itemData.insert("subclass", QString("%1").arg(channelSubclass)); itemData.insert("hubport", QString("%1").arg(hubPort)); addItem(QString("%1: %2").arg(deviceName).arg(channel), QVariant(itemData)); } } @ On removal, no attempt is made to match each call to the exact channel referenced. Rather, the assumption is that all channels on a device with a matching serial number should be removed at once and in the case of a multi-channel device getting removed, subsequent calls will just fail to match anything. The most common expected scenario is that only one device will be connected or not connected, so removing this results in an empty list for channels that were removed early. @= void PhidgetChannelSelector::removeChannel(void *device) { int deviceSerialNumber; getDeviceSerialNumber(device, &deviceSerialNumber); for(int i = count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { QMap data = itemData(i).toMap(); if(data.value("serialNumber").toInt() == deviceSerialNumber) { removeItem(i); } } } @ A destructor closes and deletes the manager. @= PhidgetChannelSelector::~PhidgetChannelSelector() { if(manager != NULL) { closeManager(manager); deleteManager(&manager); } } @ Channel configuration provides a |PhidgetChannelSelector| for choosing among connected devices but also displays the relevant configuration data. @= class PhidgetChannelConfWidget : public BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE PhidgetChannelConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index); public slots: void changeSelectedChannel(int index); void updateSerialNumber(const QString &value); void updateChannel(const QString &value); void updateHubPort(const QString &value); void updateColumnName(const QString &value); void updateChannelType(int value); void updateTCType(int value); void updateRTDType(int value); void updateRTDWiring(int value); void updateHidden(int value); private: PhidgetChannelSelector *channelSelector; QLineEdit *serialNumber; QLineEdit *channel; QLineEdit *hubPort; QComboBox *subtype; QStackedLayout *subtypeLayout; QComboBox *tctype; QComboBox *rtdtype; QComboBox *rtdwiring; }; @ The constructor is responsible for setting up the interface. @= PhidgetChannelConfWidget::PhidgetChannelConfWidget(DeviceTreeModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) : BasicDeviceConfigurationWidget(model, index), channelSelector(new PhidgetChannelSelector), serialNumber(new QLineEdit), channel(new QLineEdit), hubPort(new QLineEdit), subtype(new QComboBox), subtypeLayout(new QStackedLayout), tctype(new QComboBox), rtdtype(new QComboBox), rtdwiring(new QComboBox) { QVBoxLayout *outerLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout; QLineEdit *columnName = new QLineEdit; subtype->addItem(tr("IC"), QVariant(1)); subtype->addItem(tr("RTD"), QVariant(32)); subtype->addItem(tr("Thermocouple"), QVariant(33)); layout->addRow(tr("Channels:"), channelSelector); layout->addRow(tr("Column Name:"), columnName); QCheckBox *hidden = new QCheckBox(tr("Hide channel")); layout->addRow(hidden); layout->addRow(tr("Serial Number:"), serialNumber); layout->addRow(tr("Hub Port:"), hubPort); layout->addRow(tr("Channel Number:"), channel); layout->addRow(tr("Channel Type:"), subtype); serialNumber->setEnabled(false); channel->setEnabled(false); subtype->setEnabled(false); outerLayout->addLayout(layout); QWidget *icconfiguration = new QWidget; QWidget *rtdconfiguration = new QWidget; QFormLayout *rtdconfigurationLayout = new QFormLayout; rtdtype->addItem(tr("PT100 with .00385 curve"), QVariant(1)); rtdtype->addItem(tr("PT1000 with .00385 curve"), QVariant(2)); rtdtype->addItem(tr("PT100 with .00392 curve"), QVariant(3)); rtdtype->addItem(tr("PT1000 with .00392 curve"), QVariant(4)); rtdconfigurationLayout->addRow(tr("RTD type:"), rtdtype); rtdwiring->addItem(tr("2 wire"), QVariant(1)); rtdwiring->addItem(tr("3 wire"), QVariant(2)); rtdwiring->addItem(tr("4 wire"), QVariant(3)); rtdconfigurationLayout->addRow(tr("RTD wiring:"), rtdwiring); rtdconfiguration->setLayout(rtdconfigurationLayout); QWidget *tcconfiguration = new QWidget; QFormLayout *tcconfigurationLayout = new QFormLayout; tctype->addItem(tr("Type J"), QVariant(1)); tctype->addItem(tr("Type K"), QVariant(2)); tctype->addItem(tr("Type E"), QVariant(3)); tctype->addItem(tr("Type T"), QVariant(4)); tcconfigurationLayout->addRow(tr("Thermocouple type:"), tctype); tcconfiguration->setLayout(tcconfigurationLayout); subtypeLayout->addWidget(icconfiguration); subtypeLayout->addWidget(rtdconfiguration); subtypeLayout->addWidget(tcconfiguration); @@; for(int i = 0; i < configData.size(); i++) { node = configData.at(i).toElement(); if(node.attribute("name") == "serialnumber") { serialNumber->setText(node.attribute("value")); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "channel") { channel->setText(node.attribute("value")); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "columnname") { columnName->setText(node.attribute("value")); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "channeltype") { subtype->setCurrentIndex(subtype-> findData(QVariant(node.attribute("value").toInt()))); subtypeLayout->setCurrentIndex(subtype->currentIndex()); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "tctype") { tctype->setCurrentIndex(tctype-> findData(QVariant(node.attribute("value").toInt()))); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "rtdtype") { rtdtype->setCurrentIndex(rtdtype-> findData(QVariant(node.attribute("value").toInt()))); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "rtdwiring") { rtdwiring->setCurrentIndex(rtdwiring-> findData(QVariant(node.attribute("value").toInt()))); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "hubport") { hubPort->setText(node.attribute("value")); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "hidden") { hidden->setCheckState(node.attribute("value") == "true" ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); } } outerLayout->addLayout(subtypeLayout); setLayout(outerLayout); connect(channelSelector, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeSelectedChannel(int))); connect(subtype, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), subtypeLayout, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int))); connect(serialNumber, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateSerialNumber(QString))); connect(channel, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateChannel(QString))); connect(columnName, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(updateColumnName(QString))); connect(subtype, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateChannelType(int))); connect(tctype, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTCType(int))); connect(rtdtype, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateRTDType(int))); connect(rtdwiring, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateRTDWiring(int))); connect(hubPort, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateHubPort(QString))); connect(hidden, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateHidden(int))); } @ The combo box provides a convenient way to populate required configuration fields with values that are not immediately obvious. @= void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::changeSelectedChannel(int index) { QMap data = channelSelector->itemData(index).toMap(); serialNumber->setText(data.value("serialNumber").toString()); channel->setText(data.value("channel").toString()); subtype->setCurrentIndex(subtype-> findData(QVariant(data.value("subclass").toString().toInt()))); hubPort->setText(data.value("hubport").toString()); } @ Channel configuration settings are persisted as they are updated. @= void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateSerialNumber(const QString &value) { updateAttribute("serialnumber", value); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateChannel(const QString &value) { updateAttribute("channel", value); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateColumnName(const QString &value) { updateAttribute("columnname", value); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateChannelType(int value) { updateAttribute("channeltype", subtype->itemData(value).toString()); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateTCType(int value) { updateAttribute("tctype", tctype->itemData(value).toString()); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateRTDType(int value) { updateAttribute("rtdtype", rtdtype->itemData(value).toString()); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateRTDWiring(int value) { updateAttribute("rtdwiring", rtdwiring->itemData(value).toString()); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateHubPort(const QString &value) { updateAttribute("hubport", value); } void PhidgetChannelConfWidget::updateHidden(int value) { updateAttribute("hidden", value == 0 ? "false" : "true"); } @ The hardware communnications code provides a single class that reads the saved configuration data, creates |Channel| objects for the logging view to connect various things to, and pushes data out on those channels. Internally, there is more variability in how these channels must be set up, so rather than just having a bunch of lists for the various properties, not all of which might be relevant, instead, the channel configuration data will all be kept in a structure. @= struct PhidgetChannelData { Channel *channel; QString columnName; QString indicatorLabel; int serialNumber; int channelNumber; int channelType; int hubPort; int tcType; int rtdType; int wiring; bool hidden; void *device; }; @ The host environment requires a class that handles communication with the hardware. The public interface has been kept the same as the phidget21 code to minimize changes required in the configuration files. @= class Phidget22 : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE Phidget22(const QModelIndex &deviceIndex); Q_INVOKABLE int channelCount(); Channel* getChannel(int channel); Q_INVOKABLE bool isChannelHidden(int channel); Q_INVOKABLE QString channelColumnName(int channel); Q_INVOKABLE QString channelIndicatorText(int channel); public slots: void start(); void stop(); private: QList channelConfiguration; QLibrary driver; PhidgetPointer p_createTemperatureSensor; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_setSerialNumber; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_setChannelNumber; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_setHubPort; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_setTCType; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_setRTDType; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_setRTDWiring; PhidgetPointerVCPointer p_setNewDataCallback; PhidgetPointerIntIn p_open; PhidgetPointer p_close; PhidgetPointer p_delete; }; @ The constructor reads the previously saved hardware configuration data and uses that to create the relevant channels. The channels are not initialized until the device is started. @= Phidget22::Phidget22(const QModelIndex &index) : QObject(NULL) { DeviceTreeModel *model = (DeviceTreeModel *)(index.model()); if(model->hasChildren(index)) { for(int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) { QModelIndex channelIndex = model->index(i, 0, index); QDomElement channelReference = model-> referenceElement(model->data(channelIndex, 32).toString()); QDomElement channelReferenceElement = model-> referenceElement(model-> data(channelIndex, Qt::UserRole).toString()); QDomNodeList channelConfigData = channelReferenceElement.elementsByTagName("attribute"); PhidgetChannelData *c = new PhidgetChannelData; c->channel = new Channel; c->indicatorLabel = model->data(channelIndex, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); c->device = NULL; c->hubPort = -1; for(int j = 0; j < channelConfigData.size(); j++) { QDomElement node = channelConfigData.at(j).toElement(); if(node.attribute("name") == "serialnumber") { c->serialNumber = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "channel") { c->channelNumber = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "channeltype") { c->channelType = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "tctype") { c->tcType = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "rtdtype") { c->rtdType = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "rtdwiring") { c->wiring = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "hidden") { c->hidden = (node.attribute("value") == "true"); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "columnname") { c->columnName = node.attribute("value"); } else if(node.attribute("name") == "hubport") { c->hubPort = node.attribute("value").toInt(); } } channelConfiguration.append(c); } } } @ A bit of glue is needed to get the |Channel| objects out to the host environment. @= int Phidget22::channelCount() { return channelConfiguration.length(); } Channel* Phidget22::getChannel(int channel) { return channelConfiguration.at(channel)->channel; } @ A little more glue allows the host environment to properly set up UI elements. @= bool Phidget22::isChannelHidden(int channel) { return channelConfiguration.at(channel)->hidden; } QString Phidget22::channelColumnName(int channel) { return channelConfiguration.at(channel)->columnName; } QString Phidget22::channelIndicatorText(int channel) { return channelConfiguration.at(channel)->indicatorLabel; } @ Once the hardware configuration has been read and the UI has been set up, we can start talking to the hardware and start getting measurements. @= void Phidget22::start() { #if __APPLE__ driver.setFileName("Phidget22.framework/Phidget22"); #else driver.setFileName("phidget22"); #endif if(!driver.load()) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Driver not found"), tr("Failed to find phidget22. Please install it.")); return; } if((p_createTemperatureSensor = (PhidgetPointer)driver.resolve("PhidgetTemperatureSensor_create")) == 0 || (p_setSerialNumber = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("Phidget_setDeviceSerialNumber")) == 0 || (p_setChannelNumber = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("Phidget_setChannel")) == 0 || (p_setTCType = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("PhidgetTemperatureSensor_setThermocoupleType")) == 0 || (p_setRTDType = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("PhidgetTemperatureSensor_setRTDType")) == 0 || (p_setRTDWiring = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("PhidgetTemperatureSensor_setRTDWireSetup")) == 0 || (p_setNewDataCallback = (PhidgetPointerVCPointer)driver.resolve("PhidgetTemperatureSensor_setOnTemperatureChangeHandler")) == 0 || (p_open = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("Phidget_openWaitForAttachment")) == 0 || (p_close = (PhidgetPointer)driver.resolve("Phidget_close")) == 0 || (p_delete = (PhidgetPointer)driver.resolve("PhidgetTemperatureSensor_delete")) == 0 || (p_setHubPort = (PhidgetPointerIntIn)driver.resolve("Phidget_setHubPort")) == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Typica: Link error"), tr("Failed to link a required symbol in phidget22.")); return; } for(int i = 0; i < channelConfiguration.length(); i++) { PhidgetChannelData *c = channelConfiguration.at(i); p_createTemperatureSensor(&(c->device)); p_setSerialNumber(c->device, c->serialNumber); p_setChannelNumber(c->device, c->channelNumber); switch(c->channelType) { case 32: p_setRTDType(c->device, c->rtdType); p_setRTDWiring(c->device, c->wiring); break; case 33: p_setTCType(c->device, c->tcType); break; default: break; } if(c->hubPort >= 0) { p_setHubPort(c->device, c->hubPort); } p_setNewDataCallback(c->device, Phidget22ValueCallback, c->channel); p_open(c->device, 5000); } } @ New values are delivered to a callback function outside of the class, but with a pointer to the relevant |Channel| object. This means that all the callback needs to do is perform the unit conversion, assemble the |Measurement| and send that out. Unfortunately, there can be no guarantee that new measurements will be available on all channels simultaneously. Hopefully this will not be too problematic. @= void CCONV Phidget22ValueCallback(void *, void *context, double value) { Channel *channel = (Channel*)context; QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); Measurement measure(value * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0, time); channel->input(measure); } @ A function prototype is provided. @= void CCONV Phidget22ValueCallback(void *device, void *context, double value); @ When the logging window is closed, it is important to close all open channels and delete their handles. @= void Phidget22::stop() { for(int i = 0; i < channelConfiguration.length(); i++) { PhidgetChannelData *c = channelConfiguration.at(i); p_close(c->device); p_delete(&(c->device)); } } @ Class implementations are currently folded into typica.cpp. @= @@; @ The hardware communications class needs to be available from the host environment. @= constructor = engine->newFunction(constructPhidget22); value = engine->newQMetaObject(&Phidget22::staticMetaObject, constructor); engine->globalObject().setProperty("Phidget22", value); @ Two function prototypes are needed. @= QScriptValue constructPhidget22(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine); QScriptValue Phidget22_getChannel(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine); @ The constructor is trivial. @= QScriptValue constructPhidget22(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine) { if(context->argumentCount() != 1) { context->throwError("Incorrect number of arguments"); } QScriptValue object = engine->newQObject(new Phidget22(argument(0, context)), QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership); setQObjectProperties(object, engine); object.setProperty("getChannel", engine->newFunction(Phidget22_getChannel)); return object; } @ A wrapper is used for getting channels. @= QScriptValue Phidget22_getChannel(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine) { Phidget22 *self = getself(context); QScriptValue object; if(self) { object = engine->newQObject(self->getChannel(argument(0, context))); setChannelProperties(object, engine); } return object; }