configuration Description Expected % weight loss: Green Total: Cost Weight ( Air Duration: Availability Shortest-Longest Body Green Weights (Kg) Drying: Purchase Green Coffee Stock Descending Invoice Typica - Batch Log Production:->Average Use and Cost by Origin March Sacks Purchased Avg. Cost Sort Order: May Current (Lb) August Typica - Print Uniformity Purchase ( Item restored. This is a report of average rate of use in pounds per day and cost of unroasted coffee. Final Score Total Duration Unit Cost Milling: Production:->Batch Log bag Dry roasted from Subtitle: Totals: Specification Notes Current Items: Sample ID Specification Notes: Typica - Previous Year Production Comparison Roasted Export Typica - Item Transactions File Numbers Stock (Kg) Hours of Roasting Time Origin Delete Export CSV As... Name: Record 15 Second View Typica - Production Summary Roasted Coffee Production Production Summary Approved: Open Log... Month Load profile as target Save Current (Kg) Total Roasted Weight Typica - Sample Roasting: [*] Export XHTML+SVG... Typica - Green Coffee Sales Roasted Coffee Faults Green Coffee Some required information is not available. Please check inputs and try again. Batches Roasted Remaining Stop Roaster View Session Data Category: Daily Production Report: Rate April Roast Coffee On: Avg. Rate Session ID: Roasted Weight: Totals Annotations: Total Green Weight Id This report provides an itemized and overall comparison of roasted coffee production for the dates specified with those dates in the previous year. A chart of this data along with percent change and rolling average of the percent change is also produced. Reference: Previous Year Kg Last Use Batch Type: Weekly Use Roasted Coffee: View profile Aftertaste Vendor: Load Additional Profiles... Edit Roasting Specification Save... Bags: Bag Size (mean) New Batch... Previous (Kg) New Cupping Session Mean Cost September December Stock Ascending Cup: Event: Reminders Table Position: Min: May Cancel Stop Time: Current Year Kg Change (Lb) Reports Roaster Number: Roasted Weight: Bag Size (max) Title: Print Unroasted ( Edit All forms in session: Roasting Details: Production:->Previous Year Production Comparison By Month Body Notes of roasted coffee Okay Since: Session: Next Section Log First Use Notes: Last Cost submit Customer: Typica - Previous Year Production Comparison By Month Producer: Level Batches Bean Origin: Coffee: Manual Entry Session Name: Create Session Days to Average: Stock Cost Time: Purchase:->Coffee Purchase Previous Years Comparison days in kilograms over the past March September bag Sacks Production:->Reminders Weekly Use Ascending Lb Annotation Item Transactions Bags Green Coffee Sales: Decaffeination Method: Date Production:->Recent Average Coffee Production Roaster Name: Acidity Notes Total Score New Item Batch ID Export CSV... View Target Roast Profiles Change (Kg) Drying: Green Weight Typica - Enter Green Coffee Sales Approval: October This is a report showing how much of each coffee is available, the cost of that coffee, the daily rate of use for that coffee, and the date the coffee will be gone if use continues at the current rate. Add New Coffee Profile Summary Roasted Coffee: Typica - Current Inventory and Availability Projection Cost per Kg Weight days in pounds over the past Temperature (°F) Batch Hours Invoices Item Transactions: Origin: Uniformity, Clean Cup, Sweetness Stock (Lb) Approval: Entered green coffee weight exceeds maximum batch size. Continue? Additional notes: Ending Inventory Flavor Total Batches Item: Cost: Display Fahrenheit This report compares total roasted coffee production in kilograms with the previous year on a monthly basis. Fee Description 5 Second View Any Time Kg), Weight Loss: Roasted On: Unit Cost Descending Enter Green Coffee Sales Sacks Descending %1 will be replaced with a sample number. Purchases Inventory Change Summary: Typica - Coffee Purchase Previous Years Comparison Average Use and Cost by Origin Sale ( Update Recent Use and Cost by Origin Note Green Weight: Typica - [*]New Batch Annotation: Batch Type: Production Roasts Stop Batch Now Sample Roasts Sample ID: Description: Regular Coffees Join Cupping Session Production:->Cost of Green Coffee for Roasted Coffee Maximum Cost New Roasted Coffee: Incomplete Input % Weight Loss Load Profile Balance, Aftertaste, Overall January Max: Operator Previous Year Production Comparison By Month Display Celsius Typica - Cost of Green Coffee for Roasted Coffee Change Condition: Add Item 1 Minute View Use Rate Descending Quit Previous Year Lb Use Rate Ascending Typica - Recent Average Coffee Production Recent Average Coffee Production Session Date: February Coffee Purchase Previous Years Comparison Add column Roasted Weight (Kg) Avg. Cost Descending Time (minutes) Cost per Lb Item removed. Open... loss June Stock Cost Ascending Export XHTML+SVG As... Files: Average % Change by method: Decaffeinated Current Year Lb Batch Notes Ready. January Adjustment ( Reason: Typica - Edit Reminder Tolerance: Batch Log Balance Start Roaster Success Temperature (°C) Availability Lb Green Coffee Sales Transaction type: batches. Region: Reference: Start Batch Green Coffees Days Remove Item File Reference July Average scores by sample: Unit: Kg Purchased Clean Cup % weight loss: Production:->Production Summary 1 Second View Coffee Z-A Import Target Roast Profiles Days Restore Item Previous Section Search: 10 Second View Green Weigh Previous Year Production Comparison Typica - Export XHTML+SVG Measurement column: Kg Use ( Roasted Coffee A-Z June December Fees: Aroma Notes Lb ( Annotation column: Graph July Stock Cost Descending November Add New Item to Cupping Session Coffee A-Z Invoices days. Inventory Acidity Forget Connection Details Daily Production Report Producer Temperature Unit: Machine: Summarize Cupping Session Quantity: Typica - Average Use and Cost by Origin Roasted Weight Sweetness Typica - Reminders Minimum Cost Inventory:->Item Transactions August Clear Log Start Time: inventory Inventory:->Inventory Change Summary Break February Sample Details: Lb Purchased Origin A-Z Vendor Discontinued Items: Add to Session Amount Origin Z-A Notes Not Approved Region: Expected Roasted Weight Target Profile: Batch Details New Sample Parameters Kg Avg. Rate Descending Purchase:->Invoices Batches ID Avg. Rate Ascending Use Rate Set as Current Target Roast Profile Item added. Roasted At: Flavor, Acidity, Body Inventory:->Current Inventory and Availability Projection Configure Roasters Vendor: Days to Average: Optional Details: Name Roasted Coffee Z-A Manage Roasted Coffee Items Typica - Roasting Log Save log as target profile Reset Sample Number Submit Inventory Change Summary End Decaffeinated Coffees Grade: Typica - Edit Roasting Specification Production:->Daily Production Report (Detailed) New Batch… Typica - New Sample Roasting Batch Suspicious Input Weekly Use Descending Specification Details Blind green in Date: Days to Scale: Avg. Cost Ascending Quantity Duration Availability Longest-Shortest Milling: Invoice: Typica - Invoice Details Millisecond View Database Bag Size (min) November Add Certification Add Sample Machine Unit Cost Ascending Session Notes Expected Weight Loss Ending ( Weight loss: Total: Value Bean Temperature: Intensity Attribute Typica - Inventory Change Summary Category: Aroma Previous (Lb) Coffee October Sections 30 Second View Last Purchase Date bags Approved No Profile Compare profile Grade: % Change Taints Tolerance Print... New Reminder Update Inventory Connected Scales Sales:->Green Coffee Sales File… Roasted Weight (Lb) Production:->Previous Year Production Comparison Reset Translation Cost of Green Coffee for Roasted Coffee Add Existing Item to Cupping Session Production Summary: Weight Unit: Grader: Session is open Type This is a report of average rate of use in kilograms per day and cost of unroasted coffee. Expected: Save Log As... Roast Sacks Ascending This report compares total roasted coffee production in pounds with the previous year on a monthly basis. Overall Cost of green coffee per Green Coffee: Starting Inventory Batch Duration: Starting ( New Sample Batch... Millisecond view Batch Timer Green Weights (Lb) April Current Inventory and Availability Projection Roasted ( This is a report of average coffee production per