Inventory:->Item Transactions SELECT id, name FROM items WHERE category = 'Coffee: Unroasted' ORDER BY name Print '); output.writeStartElement("html"); output.writeAttribute("xmlns", ""); output.writeStartElement("head"); output.writeTextElement("title", "Item Transactions"); output.writeStartElement("script"); var scriptFile = new QFile(QSettings.value("config") + "/Scripts/d3.min.js");; output.writeCDATA(scriptFile.readToString()); scriptFile.close(); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeStartElement("style"); output.writeAttribute("type", "text/css"); output.writeCDATA("tr.PURCHASE {background-color: #77FF77}"); output.writeCDATA("tr.USE {background-color: #FFFFFF}"); output.writeCDATA("tr.INVENTORY {background-color: #7777FF}"); output.writeCDATA("tr.SALE {background-color: #FF77FF}"); output.writeCDATA("tr.LOSS {background-color: #FF7777}"); output.writeCDATA("tr.MAKE {background-color: #FFFF77}"); output.writeEndElement(); // style output.writeEndElement(); output.writeStartElement("body"); output.writeTextElement("h1", "Item Transactions:"); output.writeStartElement("table"); output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Item: ") output.writeTextElement("span", itemBox.currentText); output.writeEndElement(); // td var query = new QSqlQuery(); query.prepare("SELECT reference, category FROM items WHERE id = :item"); query.bind(":item", itemBox.currentData()); query.exec(); if( { output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Reference: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(0)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Category: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(1)); output.writeEndElement(); //td output.writeEndElement(); //tr query.prepare("SELECT origin, region, producer, grade, milling, drying FROM coffees WHERE id = :item"); query.bind(":item", itemBox.currentData()); query.exec(); if( { output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Origin: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(0)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Region: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(1)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Producer: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(2)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeEndElement(); // tr output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Grade: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(3)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Milling: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(4)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Drying: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(5)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeEndElement(); // tr query.prepare("SELECT decaf_method FROM decaf_coffees WHERE id = :item"); query.bind(":item", itemBox.currentData()); query.exec(); if( { output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeAttribute("colspan", "3"); output.writeTextElement("strong", "Decaffeination Method: "); output.writeTextElement("span", query.value(0)); output.writeEndElement(); // td output.writeEndElement(); // tr } } output.writeEndElement() // table output.writeStartElement("div"); output.writeAttribute("id", "chart"); output.writeEndElement(); query.prepare("WITH q AS (SELECT roasted_id, unroasted_id, unroasted_quantity, unroasted_total_quantity, roasted_quantity, generate_subscripts(unroasted_quantity, 1) AS s FROM roasting_log) SELECT (SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = roasted_id) AS name, roasted_id, SUM(unroasted_quantity[s]) AS total, COUNT(unroasted_quantity[s]), SUM((unroasted_quantity[s]/unroasted_total_quantity)*roasted_quantity)::numeric(12,3) AS roast_proportion FROM q WHERE unroasted_id[s] = :item1 GROUP BY roasted_id UNION SELECT 'Green Sales', NULL, SUM(quantity), COUNT(1), NULL FROM sale WHERE item = :item2 UNION SELECT 'Inventory Adjustment', NULL, ((SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM purchase WHERE item = :item3) - (SELECT quantity FROM items WHERE id = :item4) - (SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM all_transactions WHERE type != 'PURCHASE' AND type != 'INVENTORY' AND item = :item5)), (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM inventory WHERE item = :item6), NULL UNION SELECT 'Loss', NULL, SUM(quantity), COUNT(1), NULL FROM loss WHERE item = :item7 UNION SELECT 'Current Inventory', NULL, (SELECT quantity FROM items WHERE id = :item8), NULL, NULL ORDER BY total DESC"); query.bind(":item1", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item2", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item3", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item4", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item5", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item6", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item7", itemBox.currentData()); query.bind(":item8", itemBox.currentData()); query.exec(); var chartData = "var data = ["; var roastedCoffeeLines = ""; var adjustmentLines = ""; var currentInventoryLine = ""; var conversion = 1; if(unitBox.currentIndex == 0) { conversion = 2.2; } while( { if(Number(query.value(1)) > 0) { roastedCoffeeLines += "['" + query.value(0).replace(/\'/g, "\\x27") + "'," + query.value(2) / conversion + "," + query.value(3) + "," + query.value(4) / conversion + "],"; } else if (query.value(0) == "Current Inventory") { currentInventoryLine = "['Current Inventory'," + query.value(2) / conversion + "," + query.value(3) + "," + query.value(4) / conversion + "]"; } else { if(Number(query.value(3)) > 0) { adjustmentLines += "['" + query.value(0) + "'," + query.value(2) / conversion + "," + query.value(3) + "," + query.value(4) / conversion + "],"; } } } chartData = chartData + roastedCoffeeLines + adjustmentLines + currentInventoryLine + "];"; output.writeTextElement("script", chartData); output.writeStartElement("script"); scriptFile = new QFile(QSettings.value("config") + "/Scripts/greenusechart.js");; output.writeCDATA(scriptFile.readToString()); scriptFile.close(); output.writeEndElement(); query.prepare("SELECT time::date, type, quantity / :c1, balance / :c2, (SELECT files FROM roasting_log WHERE roasting_log.time = item_history.time AND item = ANY(unroasted_id)), (SELECT invoice_id FROM invoice_items WHERE item = item_id AND item_history.type = 'PURCHASE'), (SELECT vendor || ' ' || invoice FROM invoices WHERE id = (SELECT invoice_id FROM invoice_items WHERE item = item_id AND item_history.type = 'PURCHASE')), (SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = (SELECT roasted_id FROM roasting_log WHERE roasting_log.time = item_history.time AND item = ANY(unroasted_id))), customer, reason FROM item_history(:item)"); switch(unitBox.currentIndex) { case 0: query.bind(":c1", 2.2); query.bind(":c2", 2.2); break; case 1: query.bind(":c1", 1); query.bind(":c2", 1); break; } query.bind(":item", itemBox.currentData()); query.exec(); output.writeStartElement("table"); output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeTextElement("th", "Date"); output.writeTextElement("th", "Type"); output.writeTextElement("th", "Quantity"); output.writeTextElement("th", "Balance"); output.writeTextElement("th", "Record"); output.writeEndElement(); // tr var prev_balance = "0"; var prev_prec = 0; var cur_prec = 0; var max_prec = 3; while( { output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeAttribute("class", query.value(1)); output.writeTextElement("td", query.value(0)); output.writeTextElement("td", query.value(1)); var split = prev_balance.split('.'); if(split.length > 1) { prev_prec = split[1].length; } else { prev_prec = 0; } split = query.value(2).split('.'); if(split.length > 1) { cur_prec = split[1].length; } else { cur_prec = 0; } var prec = prev_prec > cur_prec ? prev_prec : cur_prec; var prec = (prec > max_prec ? max_prec : prec); if(query.value(1) == "INVENTORY") { output.writeTextElement("td", (Number(query.value(2)) - Number(prev_balance)).toFixed(prec)); } else { output.writeTextElement("td", (Number(query.value(2)).toFixed(prec))); } output.writeTextElement("td", (Number(query.value(3)).toFixed(prec))); prev_balance = query.value(3); if(query.value(1) == "PURCHASE") { output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeStartElement("a"); output.writeAttribute("href", "typica://script/i" + query.value(5)); output.writeCDATA(query.value(6) + " (" + query.value(5) + ")"); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndElement(); } else if(query.value(1) == "USE") { output.writeStartElement("td"); output.writeStartElement("a"); output.writeAttribute("href", "typica://script/p" + query.value(4).slice(1,-1)); output.writeCDATA(query.value(7) + " " + query.value(4)); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndElement(); } else if(query.value(1) == "LOSS") { output.writeTextElement("td", query.value(9)); } else if(query.value(1) == "SALE") { output.writeTextElement("td", query.value(8)); } else { output.writeTextElement("td", ""); } output.writeEndElement(); // tr } output.writeEndElement(); // table /* Put the rest of the report here. No sense running queries if the item doesn't exist. */ } else { /* Close tags if item data not found. */ output.writeEndElement(); // tr output.writeEndElement(); // table } output.writeEndElement(); // body output.writeEndElement(); // html output.writeEndDocument(); view.setContent(buffer); buffer.close(); query = query.invalidate(); } if(itemBox.currentData() > 0) { refresh(); } /* Open invoices */ var openInvoice = function(url) { var arg = url.slice(1, url.length); var info = createWindow("invoiceinfo"); info.setInvoiceID(arg); var query = new QSqlQuery(); query.exec("SELECT time, invoice, vendor FROM invoices WHERE id = " + arg);; var timefield = findChildObject(info, 'date'); timefield.text = query.value(0); var vendorfield = findChildObject(info, 'vendor'); vendorfield.text = query.value(2); var invoicefield = findChildObject(info, 'invoice'); invoicefield.text = query.value(1); var itemtable = findChildObject(info, 'itemtable'); itemtable.setQuery("SELECT record_type, item_id, description, (SELECT reference FROM items WHERE id = item_id) AS reference, (SELECT cost FROM purchase WHERE item = item_id) AS unit_cost, (SELECT quantity FROM purchase WHERE item = item_id) AS quantity, ((SELECT quantity FROM purchase WHERE item = item_id)/(SELECT conversion FROM lb_bag_conversion WHERE item = item_id))::numeric(12,2) AS sacks, cost FROM invoice_items WHERE invoice_id = " + arg + " AND record_type = 'PURCHASE' UNION SELECT record_type, NULL, description, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cost FROM invoice_items WHERE invoice_id = " + arg + " AND record_type = 'FEE' ORDER BY item_id"); query = query.invalidate(); }; /* Open batch data */ var openProfile = function(url) { var arg = url.slice(1, url.length); var details = createWindow("batchDetails"); var fakeTable = new Object; fakeTable.holding = new Array(7); = function(r, c) { return this.holding[c]; }; var query = new QSqlQuery(); query.exec("SELECT time, machine, (SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = roasted_id) AS name, unroasted_total_quantity AS green, roasted_quantity AS roasted, ((unroasted_total_quantity - roasted_quantity) / unroasted_total_quantity * 100::numeric)::numeric(12,2) AS weight_loss, duration, annotation FROM roasting_log WHERE files = '{" + arg + "}'");; for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { fakeTable.holding[i] = query.value(i); } query = query.invalidate(); details.loadData(fakeTable, 0); }; view.scriptLinkClicked.connect(function(url) { var linkType = url[0]; switch(linkType) { case 'i': openInvoice(url); break; case 'p': openProfile(url); break; } }); ]]>