Production:->Cost of Green Coffee for Roasted Coffee Print... '); output.writeStartElement("html"); output.writeAttribute("xmlns", ""); output.writeStartElement("head"); output.writeTextElement("title", TTR("greencost", "Cost of Green Coffee for Roasted Coffee")); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeStartElement("body"); var cdt = new Date(; output.writeTextElement("p", cdt.toLocaleDateString(TTR("reports", "en-US")) + " " + cdt.toLocaleTimeString(TTR("reports", "en-US"))); var unit = (unitBox.currentIndex == 0 ? TTR("greencost", "Kg") : TTR("greencost", "Lb")); output.writeTextElement("h1", TTR("greencost", "Cost of Green Coffee for Roasted Coffee")); output.writeTextElement("p", TTR("greencost", "Cost of green coffee per ") + unit + TTR("greencost", " of roasted coffee")); var query = new QSqlQuery(); query.exec("SELECT item, (SELECT name FROM items WHERE id = item) AS name FROM current_items ORDER BY name"); var roastedItems = new Array(); var roastedNames = new Array(); while( { roastedItems.push(query.value(0)); roastedNames.push(query.value(1)); } var recipes = new Array(); var recipeQuantities = new Array(); query.prepare("SELECT unroasted_id, unroasted_quantity FROM roasting_log WHERE roasted_id = :item AND time = (SELECT max(time) FROM roasting_log WHERE roasted_id = :item2)"); for(var i = 0; i < roastedItems.length; i++) { query.bind("item", roastedItems[i]); query.bind("item2", roastedItems[i]); query.exec(); if( { recipes.push(query.value(0)); recipeQuantities.push(query.value(1)); } else { recipes.push("{-1}"); recipeQuantities.push("{-1}"); } } query.prepare("SELECT min(unroasted_total_quantity / roasted_quantity), max(unroasted_total_quantity / roasted_quantity), avg(unroasted_total_quantity / roasted_quantity) FROM roasting_log WHERE roasted_id = :ri AND unroasted_id = :gi AND unroasted_total_quantity > 0 AND roasted_quantity > 0 AND approval = true"); var mins = new Array(); var maxes = new Array(); var means = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < roastedItems.length; i++) { if(recipes[i] == "{-1}") { mins.push("undefined"); maxes.push("undefined"); means.push("undefined"); } else { query.bind(":ri", Number(roastedItems[i])); query.bind(":gi", recipes[i]); query.exec(); if( { mins.push(query.value(0)); maxes.push(query.value(1)); means.push(query.value(2)); } else { print("Error 2"); } } } var proportionalCosts = new Array(); query.prepare("SELECT cost * :proportion * :conversion FROM purchase WHERE item = :id"); for(var i = 0; i < roastedItems.length; i++) { if(recipes[i] == "{-1}") { proportionalCosts.push("undefined"); } else { greens = sqlToArray(recipes[i]); weights = sqlToArray(recipeQuantities[i]); proportions = new Array(); quantitySum = weights.reduce(function(p, c) { return Number(p) + Number(c); }); for(var j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) { proportions.push(weights[j]/quantitySum); } partialSum = 0; for(var j = 0; j < greens.length; j++) { query.bind(":proportion", proportions[j]); query.bind(":id", greens[j]); query.bind(":conversion", conversion); query.exec(); if( { partialSum += Number(query.value(0)); } else { print("Error 3"); } } proportionalCosts.push(partialSum); } } query = query.invalidate(); var minCosts = new Array(); var maxCosts = new Array(); var meanCosts = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < roastedItems.length; i++) { if(recipes[i] == "{-1}") { minCosts.push("undefined"); maxCosts.push("undefined"); meanCosts.push("undefined"); } else { minCosts.push(proportionalCosts[i] * mins[i]); maxCosts.push(proportionalCosts[i] * maxes[i]); meanCosts.push(proportionalCosts[i] * means[i]); } } output.writeStartElement("table"); output.writeAttribute("rules", "groups"); output.writeAttribute("cellpadding", "3px"); output.writeStartElement("thead"); output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeTextElement("th", TTR("greencost", "Coffee")); output.writeTextElement("th", TTR("greencost", "Minimum Cost")); output.writeTextElement("th", TTR("greencost", "Maximum Cost")); output.writeTextElement("th", TTR("greencost", "Mean Cost")); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeStartElement("tbody"); for(var i = 0; i < roastedItems.length; i++) { output.writeStartElement("tr"); output.writeTextElement("td", roastedNames[i]); output.writeTextElement("td", Number(minCosts[i]).toFixed(2)); output.writeTextElement("td", Number(maxCosts[i]).toFixed(2)); output.writeTextElement("td", Number(meanCosts[i]).toFixed(2)); output.writeEndElement(); } output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndElement(); output.writeEndDocument(); report.setContent(buffer); buffer.close(); }; refresh(); var notifier = Application.subscribe("roastinglogchange"); notifier.notify.connect(function() { refresh(); }); var notifier2 = Application.subscribe("purchasechange"); notifier2.notify.connect(function() { refresh(); }); ]]>