@** A Window for Displaying Information About Typica. \noindent The About window for an application typically displays a few pieces of information: The application logo, name, and version number, copyright and license information, and other assorted information. In Typica this also includes a list of the people and companies that have provided financial assistance toward the ongoing development of the software and information that others can use to help in this way. This class previously provided some additional functionality which is no longer required because it is handled by the |TypicaWebView| class introduced in version 1.6. @(abouttypica.h@>= #include #include #include "webview.h" #ifndef AboutTypicaHeader #define AboutTypicaHeader class AboutTypica : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: AboutTypica(); }; #endif @ The implementation is in a separate file. @(abouttypica.cpp@>= #include "abouttypica.h" @@; @ The information provided here comes from a set of HTML documents stored as compiled resources and presented in a set of |QWebView| instances accessible through a set of tabs. @= AboutTypica::AboutTypica() : QMainWindow(NULL) { QFile aboutFile(":/resources/html/about.html"); aboutFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray content = aboutFile.readAll(); TypicaWebView *banner = new TypicaWebView; banner->setHtml(content, QUrl("qrc:/resources/html/about.html")); aboutFile.close(); setCentralWidget(banner); }