		<title>Typica - Data for Coffee Roasters</title>
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					<h2>Data for Coffee Roasters</h2>
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					<li><a href="#green">Green Coffee Purchases</a></li>
					<li><a href="#roasted">Roasted Coffee Items</a></li>
					<li><a href="#inventory">An Initial Inventory</a></li>
					<li><a href="#profiles">Saving and Using Target Roast Profiles</a></li>
				<h1>Initial Data Entry</h1>
				<p>Much of the benefit of using Typica comes from its ability
				to track coffee inventories and roast profiles. When using the
				software regularly, data entry is a quick and easy part of the
				relevant workflows, but when setting up the software initially
				there may be a large amount of data to enter.</p>
				<p>When requesting information from Typica, the quality of the
				information presented can only be as good as the quality of the
				data it is given to work with. It is generally recommended to
				start with only as much data entry as is needed for Typica to
				present the current state of inventory and to simply be aware
				of the limitations in obtaining historical information. It may
				be tempting to enter older records, but the benefits of doing
				that rarely outweigh the cost of time to enter these older
				records accurately.<p>
				<p>Before entering this data into Typica, you should take an
				inventory of your current green coffee supply, locate the
				invoices for coffees you currently have in inventory, and have
				a list of the roasted coffee items that you produce.</p>
				<a name="green" />
				<h2>Green Coffee Purchases</h2>
				<img src="images/navpurchase.png" />
				<p>As you purchase coffee, data will need to be entered in
				Typica to track green coffee inventory. This is done by
				pressing the Purchase Green Coffee button.</p>
				<img src="images/coffeepurchase.png" />
				<p>At the top of this window you will find information that
				applies to every item on an invoice. Take an invoice that
				contains coffee presently in inventory and enter the invoice
				date in the Date field, the company that sold you the coffee in
				the Vendor field, and the invoice number in the Invoice field.
				Typica only requires the Date field, but having the other
				information may make it easier to find records if they are
				needed later such as for certification reporting.</p>
				<p>This top area also has a Add Item button. This window starts
				with a set of fields for entering the details of one coffee
				item. To enter details on more coffees, click the Add Item
				button until there are enough spaces to enter the details of
				all of the coffees on the invoice you are entering.</p>
				<p>Next there is an area where information about the coffee is
				entered. There are several fields to note.</p>
				<p>This is the name of the green coffee. When you adjust the
				inventory of this coffee or specify its use in roasting, this
				is the text that will appear to identify the coffee.
				<strong>This field is required.</strong></p>
				<p>This is intended to be the ICO number of the coffee or, in
				the case of coffees that do not have that, some other set of
				markings that uniquely identifies the coffee.</p>
				<p>This is the amount of coffee purchased. It can be in either
				pounds or kilograms. <strong>This field is
				<p>This field allows you to select if the quantity is expressed
				in pounds or kilograms. Which is selected has no influence on
				how that data can be retrieved later, but it is important that
				the quantity is correct in terms of the unit specified. It is
				easiest to use whatever unit is used on your invoice.</p>
				<p>The cost of the green coffee can be entered in terms of the
				cost per unit or the total cost of the coffee purchased. Which
				is specified in the box next to the cost field. <strong>This
				field is required.</strong></p>
				<p>This field is used by some reports to aggregate information
				based on where the coffee comes from. This is generally the
				name of the country that the coffee was grown in, but you may
				find it useful in some cases to deviate from this. For example,
				some find it useful in the case of coffees from Indonesia to
				specify the name of the island the coffee was grown on rather
				than the country. Whichever you decide, you should enter
				purchase information consistently over time. <strong>This field
				is required.</strong></p>
				<p>This field can specify a distinct producing region.</p>
				<p>This field can specify the producer of the coffee.</p>
				<p>This field can specify the grade of the green coffee.</p>
				<p>This field can specify how the coffee was milled.</p>
				<p>This field can specify how the coffee was dried.</p>
				<p>This field specifies the number of bags the green coffee
				comes in. In some facilities you may empty bags of coffee as
				they are roasted. If this is the case, the inventory of that
				coffee can be adjusted to correct the current inventory for
				measurement errors. <strong>This field is
				<p>If the coffee is decaffeinated, this check box should be
				checked. <strong>The decaffeination method is a required field
				if the check box is checked.</strong></p>
				<p>If there are any certifications on the coffee that should be
				tracked, enter these one at a time in the field to the right of
				the Add Certification button. After typing the name of one
				certification, press the button. This will add that
				certification to a list to the left of the button.</p>
				<p>This section describes any fees that apply to the invoice.
				If you have warehousing, palletizing, shipping, or other fees
				associated with this invoice, you can enter the fee description
				and amount in this area. Additional lines in this table will be
				created as you enter data in this area.</p>
				<p>Review the information that you've entered, ensuring that it
				is accurate and that all required fields have been filled. Once
				this is done, click the Submit button to save this information
				to the database.</p>
				<p>Repeat the steps in this section until you have entered all
				of the invoices required for your current inventory. These same
				steps should be followed as more green coffee is purchased in
				the future.</p>
				<a name="roasted" />
				<h2>Roasted Coffee Items</h2>
				<img src="images/navroasted.png" />
				<p>The coffee roasting process transforms a quantity of one or
				more green coffees into a quantity of a roasted coffee. Roasted
				coffee items are associated with target roast profiles and
				these also maintain an association with the most recent set of
				green coffees used to produce that roasted coffee. Roasted
				coffee items are managed by clicking the Manage Roasted Coffee
				Items button.</p>
				<img src="images/manageroasted.png" />
				<p>When entering an initial set of roasted coffee items, only
				the top part of this window is needed. Enter the name of the
				roasted coffee item in the New Roasted Coffee field and then
				click the Add New Coffee button. Note that if you produce
				items with different roast profiles, these should be different
				roasted coffee items even if they are produced from the same
				green coffee. Items that are produced through additional
				processing after roasting such as flavored coffees or blends
				that are assembled from multiple roasted coffees need not be
				entered, but the component roasted coffees should be
				entered. As you enter these roasted coffee items they will be
				added to a list under Current Items.</p>
				<p>As you roast coffees, you may find that you no longer
				produce a particular roasted coffee. It is generally a good
				idea to remove this item from the current set of roasted coffee
				items so that you cannot accidentally specify that you are
				producing something that you do not presently roast. To do
				this, select the item from the Current Items list and then
				click the Remove Item button. The item will no longer appear
				as an option when entering the details of a batch to roast and
				it will be moved to the Discontinued Items list.</p>
				<p>If you later resume the production of a previously
				discontinued roasted coffee item, you can restore the existing
				item rather than create a new one. To do this, select the item
				from the Discontinued Items list and click the Restore Item
				button. This will remove the item from the Discontinued Items
				list and add it to the Current Items list. This will make that
				roasted coffee available to select when roasting coffee.</p>
				<p>When you are finished altering the set of roasted coffee
				items, close the window.</p>
				<a name="inventory" />
				<h2>An Initial Inventory</h2>
				<img src="images/adjustinventory.png" />
				<p>You may periodically wish to take an inventory of your green
				coffee supply and update the information in Typica to reflect
				reality. This should at least be done after using the last of a
				green coffee to set the inventory to 0, but if it is possible,
				this can be done after emptying any bag of coffee.</p>
				<p>Click the Update Inventory button to bring up the window
				seen above. At the top you will see a list of green coffees
				with an inventory that is not 0. Selecting an item will change
				the text area at the bottom to indicate the name of the green
				coffee item and the current inventory in both pounds and bags
				of coffee.</p>
				<p>To adjust the inventory of the currently selected item,
				enter either the number of bags or the number of pounds of
				coffee remaining in inventory, select either bag or lb from the
				box next to this field, and click the Update button. The text
				area at the bottom will change to reflect the change you have
				just made in the inventory.</p>
				<p><strong>Note that inventory adjustments take effect
				immediately. Ensure that data on any roasting batches has been
				sent to the database before making inventory adjustments on
				these coffees.</strong></p>
				<a name="profiles" />
				<h2>Saving and Using Target Roast Profiles</h2>
				<p>Each roasted coffee keeps track of the most recent target
				roast profile if one has been specified for this item. For the
				initial data entry you will not have any target roast profiles
				as these have not yet been entered. The easiest way to enter a
				target roast profile is to roast a batch of coffee to that
				profile and let Typica record that data for you.</p>
				<p>For this step you must have already configured Typica for
				your roasting equipment. If you have not done this, please do
				so now.</p>
				<p>Select the coffee roaster you will be using and click the
				Roast Coffee button. This will bring up a window showing the
				temperature measurement channels that you have set up for that
				roaster, a timer indicating the duration of the current roast,
				buttons for marking the start and end of the batch, a table
				capable of showing both the target roast profile and your
				current batch data at various levels of detail, and a graph
				that can show the same measurement data. Other things may
				appear as well depending on how you have configured Typica for
				this machine.</p>
				<img src="images/newbatchwindow.png" />
				<p>From the Batch menu, select New Batch. This will bring up a
				window where you can enter the details for a batch of roasted
				coffee. At the top you will see the name of the coffee roaster
				you are using and you can select the unit that will be applied
				to all weight measurements. You can select grams, kilograms,
				ounces, or pounds.</p>
				<p>Next you can select the roasted coffee you will be
				producing. This is the list of current roasted coffee items
				that you created previously. <strong>This field is
				<p>If you have roasted this coffee previously and the green
				coffees that were used are all still available to roast, the
				coffees will automatically be selected in the Green Coffee
				section. The first time a coffee is roasted, that information
				is not available to Typica so you will need to select that
				information manually. Cells in the first column of this table
				will bring up a list showing the currently available green
				coffees. The weight should be entered in the uit specified at
				the top of the window. As you enter information, additional
				rows will be added to accomodate coffees that are blended prior
				to roasting. <strong>Both the green coffee used and the weight
				of each green coffee are required fields.</strong></p>
				<p>When you have finished entering information on the green
				coffee, the Green Weight field will be calculated
				automatically. <strong>This field must not be 0 when the
				batch is submitted to the database. Roasting a batch of no
				coffee makes no sense and entering nonsense will adversely
				affect the quality of data you can get out of
				<p>If you had a previously saved target roast profile for the
				selected roasted coffee item the Load Profile button will be
				available. If a target roast profile is not available, if you
				would prefer to roast without a target roast profile, or if you
				would prefer to obtain target roast profile data from a
				different source, you will want to click the No Profile button.
				This brings the previous window up and associates the roasting
				data with the batch you have just entered details for. You can
				enter the details of as many batches as you like before
				roasting, but you must press either the Load Profile or No
				Profile button in the window with information about the batch
				you will roast prior to starting each batch.</p>
				<p>If you have information from a previous roast displayed,
				start by selecting Clear Log from the Log menu. Once you are
				ready, click the Start Batch button while simultaneously
				starting the roasting process. Typica will record the details
				of your batch. When you have finished roasting the coffee,
				click the Stop Batch button while simultaneously halting the
				roasting process.</p>
				<p>When you click the Stop Batch button, the New Batch window
				will return. You should see that it has entered information in
				the Time and Duration fields for you.</p>
				<p>You may select New Batch from the Batch menu if you would
				like to start roasting another batch of coffee immediately.
				Once the batch is cooled, weigh the coffee and enter the
				roasted weight. A percent weight loss will automatically be
				<p>Assuming you have roasted this coffee to your desired roast
				profile, click the check box next to Approved and the check box
				next to Save log as target profile. The former box should be
				checked for every batch that was roasted correctly, but once a
				target roast profile has been saved, there is no need to check
				the latter on subsequent batches unless there is a desire to
				alter the target roast profile.</p>
				<p>If you would like to make a note of any information not in
				the recorded roasting data or elsewhere in the New Batch
				window, that information can be entered in the Annotation
				<p>Review the content of the window and ensure that all of the
				data has been entered appropriately before clicking the Submit
				<p>Congratulations! You have just saved a target roast profile
				for a roasted coffee item. The next time you roast that coffee
				you will be able to see the data from this batch next to the
				data from the current batch. Repeat this process for all of
				your roasted coffee items to conclude this initial data