import CustomComponents 1.0 import QtQuick 1.0 Rectangle { id: root property real sumy : 0 property real sumxsq : 0 property real sumx : 0 property real sumxy : 0 property int n : 0 width: 720 height: 680 Component.onCompleted: { var quitItem = window.addMenuItem("File", "Quit"); quitItem.shortcut = "Ctrl+Q"; quitItem.triggered.connect(function() { Qt.quit(); }); var clearItem = window.addMenuItem("Plotting", "Clear Data"); clearItem.triggered.connect(function() { graph.clear(); dataViewModel.clear(); root.sumy = 0; root.sumxsq = 0; root.sumx = 0; root.sumxy = 0; root.n = 0; graph.setFit(0, 0, 0, 0); }); var showLeastSquares = window.addMenuItem("Plotting", "Least Squares Fit"); showLeastSquares.checkable = true; showLeastSquares.triggered.connect(function() { graph.setFitVisible(showLeastSquares.checked); lsfrow.visible = showLeastSquares.checked; }); } BrewingControlChart { id: graph width: 450 height: 600 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 20 anchors.topMargin: 20 } Item { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 10 anchors.topMargin: 10 Column { spacing: 8 Row { spacing: 5 Text { text: "Mass of ground coffee: " } TextInput { id: groundMass width: 30 validator: DoubleValidator { bottom: 0 decimals: 2 notation: DoubleValidator.StandardNotation } Line { x1: -3 x2: 33 y1: groundMass.height y2: y1 penWidth: 1 color: "black" } } } Row { spacing: 5 Text { text: "Mass of brewed coffee:" } TextInput { id: brewedMass width: 30 validator: DoubleValidator { bottom: 0 decimals: 2 notation: DoubleValidator.StandardNotation } Line { x1: -3 x2: 33 y1: brewedMass.height y2: y1 penWidth: 1 color: "black" } } } Row { spacing: 56 Text { text: "Percent TDS:" } TextInput { id: ptds width: 30 validator: DoubleValidator { bottom: 0 top: 100 decimals: 2 notation: DoubleValidator.StandardNotation } Line { x1: -3 x2: 33 y1: ptds.height y2: y1 penWidth: 1 color: "black" } } } Row { spacing: 87 Text { id: colorlabel text: "Color:" } ColorPicker { id: colorpicker width: 37 height: colorlabel.height } } Row { id: lsfrow visible: false spacing: 1 Text { id: fitcolorlabel text: "Least Squares Fit Color:" } ColorPicker { id: fitcolorpicker width: 37 height: colorlabel.height onColorChanged: { graph.setFitColor(color) } } } Rectangle { z: 0 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter height: buttonText.height + 20 width: buttonText.width + 40 border.color: "black" radius: 10 Text { id: buttonText text: "Plot This Brew" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { var extraction = (brewedMass.text * (ptds.text / 100)) / groundMass.text graph.plotPoint(extraction, (ptds.text / 100), colorpicker.color) dataViewModel.append({"color": colorpicker.color, "ptds": ptds.text, "extraction": extraction}) root.n += 1 root.sumy += (ptds.text / 100) root.sumx += extraction root.sumxy += ((ptds.text / 100) * extraction) root.sumxsq += Math.pow(extraction, 2) if(root.n > 1) { var a = ((root.sumy * root.sumxsq)-(root.sumx * root.sumxy))/((root.n * root.sumxsq)-Math.pow(root.sumx, 2)) var b = ((root.n * root.sumxy)-(root.sumx * root.sumy))/((root.n * root.sumxsq) - Math.pow(root.sumx, 2)) var x1 = 0.14 var x2 = 0.26 var y1 = a + (b * x1) var y2 = a + (b * x2) if(y1 < 0.008) { x1 = (0.008 - a) / b y1 = 0.008 } if(y2 < 0.008) { x2 = (0.008 - a) / b y2 = 0.008 } if(y1 > 0.016) { x1 = (0.016 - a) / b y1 = 0.016 } if(y2 > 0.016) { x2 = (0.016 - a) / b y2 = 0.016 } graph.setFit(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } } } Repeater { id: dataView model: ListModel { id: dataViewModel } delegate: Row { spacing: 3 Rectangle { width: 30 height: 30 color: dataViewModel.get(index).color } Column { Text { text: "Strength: "+dataViewModel.get(index).ptds+"% TDS" } Text { text: "Extraction: "+Number(dataViewModel.get(index).extraction*100).toFixed(2)+"%" } } } } } } }